You can now set up subscriptions to receive e-mail updates when there are new posts on this blog and on Daley Ponderings . ...
As you know by now, you can see more update information on the Daley Ponderings blog . They had a heavy day of testing and meetings...
Grace gets a massive health check-up before her bone marrow transplant. The first two days of testing are scheduled for tomorrow and the...
Heather and Jon have begin putting Grace updates on their own blog. Jon's working on a way for people to subscribe so they can be...
When the Make a Wish Foundation would take you to Disney World but you have your own private amusement park . (I'm having issues...
We finally got to see Grace herself! She was pretty sad and sore (from the mucositis) last night when she and Jon returned from what...
The chemo is beginning to tell on Grace. (For you medical people, or those familiar with chemo side effects, she's beginning to...
We are now in New Hampshire with the family. We have not yet seen Grace nor Jon, except via Skype. They are staying in a hotel near the...
Directly from Heather: Grace had her last dose of remdesivir and her first dose of second round azacytadine today (with anti...
Jon and Grace are staying at a hotel near the hospital, to save some of the long daily drives back and forth. Heather wrote a quick...
Grace was supposed to start her second round of chemo today, but at the Daleys' request they agreed to postpone the first dose till...
Just as I was crawling into bed, already late, I received an e-mail that made me turn to Facebook where I knew there were pray-ers still...
What's worse, having no information or having the wrong information? Today Grace was supposed to have a battery of tests in Boston,...
If I'm not careful, this will devolve into an excuse to talk about how cute our grandchildren are. I'll try to keep information flowing...
It was so heart-warming—and heartbreaking—to see Grace over Skype yesterday. She looked so good, so happy. So healthy, even....
Grace's bone marrow transplant process is moving forward. They're still awaiting some further test results, but it looks as if...
I'll have more to say later about the situation, how we got here, and where we're headed, but for now, this is the 30,000-foot overview...
It is said that someone once asked Martin Luther, "Why do you preach salvation by faith alone, week after week after week?"...
[ I have been having so much fun posting excerpts from from my father's journals that I decided to give it its own category: ...
As we prepared for our annual Lessons & Carols service a weekago, a fellow chorister shared this reminder from Allan Sherman, one of...
The Shift is a new movie from Angel Studios , the folks who brought us Sound of Freedom . I thought the latter so worthwhile...
I've put this post in the Just for Fun category, though those who hated math in school might not think so. I'm one of those weird folks...
One of my favorite priests believes strongly that it's important to be physically in church for worship, with one's own...
'Tis the season for festivities and music! Well, sort of. For those who observe the traditional Church Year, it's actually Advent,...