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A Twenty-Year-Old Is Not a Child

As I explained before, I know I'm late to this party. But people are not done talking—so I've been jumping in. No one seems to...


Our Congressman Cory Mills on CNN

In all my decades of life I may have met more members of the United States Congress, but I only remember four. I met Daniel Webster...


How Could They Not Have Known?

If there ever was a time in my life when I enjoyed Whirl 'n' Puke rides at amusement parks, it was too far back in time for me to...


Why the Silence?

You all know I can't resist commentary. So why have I been so silent—or, rather, why have I been making unrelated posts—when...


The Free State of Florida

I can't wait to see one of these new signs the next time we return to Florida by car. I'd like to add, "Let's Keep It Free"...


A Happy Homeschooling Story

The advantages of homeschooling certainly aren't new to me, but I still love to read about people's happy experiences. You can read all...


A Time for Silence

There is a time for action, and a time for waiting. A time for speaking, and a time for silence. All too often we fail to speak up...


I Will Not Die a Democrat

At the beginning of this year, I did the unthinkable. At least, for me, it had been unthinkable for over half a century....


12 Rules for Life, and Beyond Order

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos  by Jordan Peterson  (2018) Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life  ...


Public Service Announcement, Book Division

The Kindle version of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s blockbuster book, The Real Anthony Fauci , is currently on sale at Amazon for $1.99. I...


Reasons to Vote for Democrats (A Birthday Gift)

Reasons to Vote for Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide  by Michael J. Knowles (Simon & Schuster, 2017) My son-in-law is...


Struggling with the Questions

Little did I know, that even as I was writing my post about the recent presidential debate , Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, of the...


I Did My Civic Duty Today

It has been a patriotic day, as is fitting for July 4. We marched in an Independence Day parade. (Photo credit Kara Lee) (click to...


I Watched the Presidential Debate

Somewhat against my better judgement, I watched the presidential debate. I knew that once people started talking, I'd be tempted to say...


Florida's Public Schools Are Doing Better - Or Not

An article in today's Orlando Sentinel  boasts this headline:  Florida students make ‘substantial gains’ on state...


Grace News, and a Grandma Brag

Bragging about her grandchildren is written right into the Grandmother Contract, and I've certainly done my part in the past. But never...



Here's the latest Daley update , complete with pictures. The Reader's Digest version: Grace and Jon are still at Boston...


Electric Car

I've always been ambivalent about electric cars. On the consumer end, eliminating exhaust fumes and engine noise is attractive,...


Latest from Grace, but No Big News Yet

From Heather (emphasis mine): Grace has been on a clear liquid diet until today where she is getting nothing into her stomach...


Tucker Carlson

I readily admit ignorance of a lot of things, but I can't say I'd never heard of Tucker Carlson. That is, I had heard his name—but...


Grace Update, Boston Edition

This was Heather's morning post . (I'm copying the text, but if you click on the link, you'll see a cute picture.) When Jon and...


At Least They're Taking It Seriously Now

The doctors seemed to be taking Grace's recent intestinal problems very casually, but since she threw up her NG tube this morning,...


What??? Why You Hated Math in School

I can be a sucker for headlines like " Second grade math question has the internet fighting over the answer ," and this time I was...


Pray for Faith - the Other Side of Transplant

With good reason, we have been focusing here on Grace. But there's another half to this bone marror transplant, and that's her...


Grace Update, Day +133, New Prayer Request

It has been blessedly quiet on the Grace front for a while, giving the family a chance to focus on Hope, her new little sister. No news...

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