Happy 10.10.10 or 10/10/10! However you slice it, it’s a cool day. Yesterday our family headed out to the Birsmatte farm...
Non Campus Mentis: World History According to College Students , compiled by Anders Henriksson (Workman Publishing, New...
Can you believe I get tired of hearing that my blog is absolutly brilliant, and the commenter can't wait to share it with his friends?...
This resolution has been coming up on my agenda for months, only to be replaced by what seemed to be a more urgent or appropriate...
Can it have been almost four years since Kelly James, Brian Hall and Nikko Cooke died in a blizzard on Mt. Hood ? I'm not...
Joseph seems to be making leaps and bounds and sleeping to recover from all his work. That makes for a happier momma as I’m...
"Harm reduction," a new term to me, though not a new concept, is a controversial approach to social problems, in which...
I haven't time for a long post this morning, so here's the story I alluded to yesterday. There is one upside to allowing...
Free-Range Kids: Giving Our Children the Freedom We Had Without Going Nuts with Worry , by Lenore Skenazy (Jossey-Bass,...
Jonathan's birthday is coming up, and he told me what he really wants: a real Boba Fett costume, from the local costume...
Not long ago, my lovely external monitor gave out completely. I suppose I could complain about how nothing lasts well these...
Fruitless Fall: The Collapse of the Honey Bee and the Coming Agricultural Crisis , by Rowan Jacobsen (Bloomsbury, New York,...
It’s is crazy to think I have only been a mother (with a baby outside the womb) for three months. What a whirlwind ride it...
Christians Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites ...and Other Lies You've Been Told , by Bradley R. E. Wright (Bethany House, Minneapolis,...
Micro Mobility Systems makes classy scooters, and look what I discovered when I ventured onto their website from a FRK article :...
I have another post on Free-Range Kids. You've probably read most of it here already, in my review of the Melendy books , but...
Long ago in the innocent days of pregnancy I agreed to play a concert in October with the thought that I should have life with a...
Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 2, "The Musician's Stimulus Package" Okay, so that's not the name Mahler gave...
The Saturdays The Four-Story Mistake Then There Were Five...
It shouldn't have been so hard, though I'll admit I'm stubborn. Firefox has been nagging me for days to update my Flash player,...
Murder Must Advertise , by Dorothy Sayers (Avon, New York, 1967) Dorothy Sayers is one of my favorite authors, both fiction and...
Having family all over the globe makes for an interesting life, but sometimes it's hard to know which end is up—or more...
The past two weekends our family has gone to France for rehearsals for my gig this Saturday. We haven’t seen much of...
Regular readers of Lift Up Your Hearts! know I'm a fan of Lenore Skenazy's Free-Range Kids blog, though I blush to admit I haven't...
The Chronological Guide to the Bible (Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 2010) My review copy of this book arrived from the publisher at a...