Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front . by Joel Salatin (Polyface Inc., Swoope, Virginia,...
For friends and family who prefer to ignore Facebook: Jonathan: Dad, the spaceship book gave me an idea, and I'm going...
When I first came to Switzerland I created a blog category “The Switzerland Adventure.” That adventure went a bit...
I wasn't going to write about the two recent examples of September 11-related hysteria run amok, because (a) there has already been...
In George MacDonald's novel, Salted with Fire , I encountered the following statement: He would never rise from a...
This morning Joseph and I went to our first PEKiP course. PEKiP stands for Prager-Eltern-Kind Program, which means the...
This is a short post, because I don't have a lot to say about electricity in Switzerland, but I like their home outlets. I'd...
Maybe this post should be "readjustments," since I'm now home and experiencing reverse culture shock, but it's still worth talking...
I’m not sure we fully appreciate how good Joseph is to us. Yesterday we went to a friend’s wedding and he did a...
I am republishing my initial comments , made in December 2008, when I checked The History of the Ancient World out of the library...
Joseph is growing quickly before our eyes. He can entertain himself for longer periods of time, which makes Mommy’s life...
How to Listen to and Understand Great Music , by Robert Greenberg; a Teaching Company lecture I've said it before : ...
Gabriel Kron . Of all the amazing people who have intersected with my life, he is probably the safest to write about, since he died...
...while I indulge in a bit of nostalgia. We moved to Central Florida not long after Disney's EPCOT Center opened. Our...
Exposure To Two Languages Carries Far-Reaching Benefit s From this article at ScienceDaily, you can follow links to many...
With all the fuss lately about illness caused by salmonella in eggs from factory farms with highly dubious practices, it was...
I'm attacking my dauntingly long backblog again, applying the delete key ruthlessly on articles that are merely interesting. ...
Apology for homeschooling No, not an "I'm sorry" apology, though there are some elements of adolescent shyness in this new...
One thing I find attractive about Christianity is the balance it achieves between the physical and the spiritual: when the heart...
Ever wonder why British and American spellings are different if we theoretically speak the same language? Color vs. colour,...
I'm working on getting Li'l Writer Guy home from Switzerland, but in the meantime, enjoy this wonderful story of a three-year-old who...
This weekend was the best weekend yet with little Joseph. We got to be together as a family the whole weekend and we got lots...
And some days I think that I can’t make it. Everyone talks about labor being hard, but somehow life after gets lost in the...
No new pictures up yet, but here's a teaser.
Joseph is very good to me in that he is happy to be in his bike trailer while I go for a run. It’s a great break for me and...