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Since my first bold move in the middle of high school, I’ve grown my hair long and donated the ponytail four times to Locks of...
I wrote about xylitol when I discovered it in Japan four years ago, and that remains one of my most popular posts. Although I...
Some of my favorite flags:
Visit Stephan's blog to enter your guesses about Little One Stücklin's arrival details. Here's a teaser to help you...
The Rest of the Story . The true revolution behind Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution television show was based in Connecticut...
For reasons obscure (who needs a reason, anyway?) I was looking up mathematician/musician Tom Lehrer and came upon this. Enjoy!...
Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour Thanks to Netflix, we're reprising the...
I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this resolution, and I really have no business adding another when I haven't made much...
What could be more American than hot dogs? Lawsuits, apparently. I bought a package of hot dogs yesterday. I'm...
Check out our * Steph Shaw on a very early morning TV gig in New York today. The guy out front who keeps hogging the...
Meet Feudal Effort , the latest addition to the comics list on my Sursum Corda page: I find it fun. Sometimes...
Mutton dressed as lamb . I can and do text , finding it quite useful at times, mostly because not all phones send and receive...
Our Memorial Day celebration concluded with a lovely dinner at at a friend's house, to which we brought wine and...
One of the reasons I like Mallard Fillmore is that he can always be counted on to remember: This Memorial Day I...
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michale Pollan (Penguin, New York, 2009) Food Rules is a condensation of what...
Only about six more weeks until we're visibly a family of three! Stephan took and posted a picture of me on Monday after we...
Today I almost gave up before I started. First, there was a blog post that I felt needed a comment, and I was guiltily trying to...
Last night I finished a project that had kept me welded to the computer for the better part of several days, and I awoke wondering if...
Super Size Me (Sony, 2004, PG-13) When Morgan Spurlock was growing up, his mother made the family's meals at home; they...
Lenore Skenazy's Free-Range Kids blog is one of my favorite antidotes to the frustrations of modern life, and the outrageous...
The Dark Ages (The History Channel, 2007, not rated) Having worked for a number of months in New York City, Porter had...
The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science by Norman Doidge (Penguin, New York,...
We recently returned from a lovely two weeks in Switzerland (with brief side trips to France, Germany, and Italy). I hope...
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (20 th Century Fox, 1958, not rated) A sympathetic and positive portrayal of a...