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Irresistibly Cute Family Picture

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Five and Counting

Posted in IrishOboe

Since my first bold move in the middle of high school, I’ve grown my hair long and donated the ponytail four times to Locks of...


Xylitol - An Unintentional Experiment

I wrote about xylitol when I discovered it in Japan four years ago, and that remains one of my most popular posts.  Although I...


Flag Day 2010

Some of my favorite flags:     


The Baby Pool Is Open!

Visit Stephan's blog to enter your guesses about Little One Stücklin's arrival details.  Here's a teaser to help you...


The Real Food Revolution

The Rest of the Story .  The true revolution behind Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution television show was based in Connecticut...


For Our Nerdy Family

For reasons obscure (who needs a reason, anyway?) I was looking up mathematician/musician Tom Lehrer and came upon this.  Enjoy!...


A Laugh from the Past

Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour Thanks to Netflix, we're reprising the...


New Year's Resolution #6 - Cast Away Fear

I'm not sure exactly where I'm going with this resolution, and I really have no business adding another when I haven't made much...


The Great American Hot Dog

What could be more American than hot dogs? Lawsuits, apparently. I bought a package of hot dogs yesterday.  I'm...


Hey, That's Our Steph!

Check out our * Steph Shaw on a very early morning TV gig in New York today.  The guy out front who keeps hogging the...


Feudal Effort

Meet Feudal Effort , the latest addition to the comics list on my Sursum Corda page:  I find it fun.  Sometimes...


Generation Gap

Mutton dressed as lamb . I can and do text , finding it quite useful at times, mostly because not all phones send and receive...


Memorial Day Cake

Our Memorial Day celebration concluded with a lovely dinner at at a friend's house, to which we brought wine and...


Memorial Day, 2010

One of the reasons I like Mallard Fillmore is that he can always be counted on to remember: This Memorial Day I...


Food Rules

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michale Pollan (Penguin, New York, 2009) Food Rules is a condensation of what...


Six Weeks and Counting

Posted in IrishOboe

Only about six more weeks until we're visibly a family of three!  Stephan took and posted a picture of me on Monday after we...


Computer Control Quest - Day 2

Today I almost gave up before I started.  First, there was a blog post that I felt needed a comment, and I was guiltily trying to...


Computer Control Quest - Day 1

Last night I finished a project that had kept me welded to the computer for the better part of several days, and I awoke wondering if...


Super Size Me

Super Size Me (Sony, 2004, PG-13) When Morgan Spurlock was growing up, his mother made the family's meals at home; they...


Take Our Children to the Park...and Leave Them There Day

Lenore Skenazy's Free-Range Kids blog is one of my favorite antidotes to the frustrations of modern life, and the outrageous...


The History Channel: The Dark Ages

The Dark Ages   (The History Channel, 2007, not rated) Having worked for a number of months in New York City, Porter had...


The Brain that Changes Itself

The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science by Norman Doidge (Penguin, New York,...


Switzerland, April-May 2010: Eyjafjallajokull Up...

We recently returned from a lovely two weeks in Switzerland (with brief side trips to France, Germany, and Italy).  I hope...


The Inn of the Sixth Happiness

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness   (20 th Century Fox, 1958, not rated) A sympathetic and positive portrayal of a...