Check out this TED lecture: Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology , not only for what might be ahead...
Forget whatever witty and informative post I was going to provide tonight. Go over to The Occasional CEO and read about the...
Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State , by G. K. Chesterton. With...
Having waited at home for an expected delivery, it was late when I was finally free to take my accustomed walk. By the time I...
The latest version of Thunderbird , 3.01, includes a number of significant changes from Version 2. I think I'm going to like...
Les Triplettes de Belleville (2003, Sony Pictures, directed by Sylvain Chomet, PG-13) Also known as The Triplets of...
The good news is, there's a new orchestra in town: The Orlando Baroque Orchestra . Some area musicians observed Central...
Nanosurf —the company that put an atomic force microscope on Mars and good Swiss bread on Janet's table—has a cool...
Most of you can stop reading right now. The Pap smear is not a subject of general interest, but I spent five years working in a...
The Merchant of Venice (2004, Sony Pictures, directed by Michael Radford, R) Not since Kenneth Branagh's Henry V and...
I have three further reflections on what I learned from It Happened in Italy , which didn't fit nicely into my review . The...
Carl Maria von Weber: Ruler of the Spirits, J.109, op. 26, E-flat major Schubert: Symphony No. 9 D.944 in C...
Food, Inc. (2008, Magnolia Home Entertainment, directed by Robert Kenner, PG ) I first heard about Food, Inc. seven months...
It Happened in Italy: Untold Stories of How the People of Italy Defied the Horrors of the Holocaust , by Elizabeth Bettina...
Blame me, my parents, or my schools as you see fit, but after half a century as an American citizen, 13 years of public education, and a...
The Occasional CEO is one of my favorite non-family blogs, not only because Eric Schultz is a good writer, but also because he is a...
Jennifer at Conversion Diary is turning 33, and asked her readers what they would say to their 33-year-old selves if they could...
If you haven't received a call from us lately, it's not only because I don't like to use the telephone. Shortly before...
Apparently Florida has been having its longest streak of cold weather ever , worse than that in the mid-1980s, which (along with...
One who makes a practice of passing written judgement on books would do well to reveal at least some of the background and prejudices...
A Little Princess , by Frances Hodgson Burnett (Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1965) I picked this book up to...
New Year's resolutions are, I guess, a secular version of Lent, though without Easter to look forward to. I've never given much...
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon (Jonathan Cape, 2003) As with Born to Run , I picked...
Born to Run , by Christopher McDougall (Knopf, New York, 2009) A book about running? Not my thing. On my...
UPDATE: The Second Edition of Phoebe's Quilt , corrected and expanded, is now available . My sister-in-law found...