Feeling the relief of the immediate pressure of travel/Christmas/wedding, I decided to make some long-overdue blog...
Feeling the relief of the immediate pressure of travel/Christmas/wedding, I decided to make some long-overdue blog...
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This was going to be another set of Casting the Net quick takes, but it got a bit long. Theodore Dalrymple's The Roads to...
The wise man recognizes truth in the words of his enemies. There must be several proverbs similar to this one, but being for...
One reason I keep this blog is to share with others what I find in my meanderings: large or little, delightful or dreadful, whatever I...
Li'l Writer Guy has return from his monastic retreat (we picked him up on our return from The Wedding ), but is still experiencing...
With a fair amount of admitted prejudice, I have said that Heather and Jon's wedding was the most perfect, beautiful, and appropriate...
Marie Winn, in The Plug-In Drug , tells us that it's not enough to substitute good television shows for bad, because the process of...
Here in Florida we have our own way of celebrating great events. It helps to know a Disney big-wig or two. ...
Patrick Deneen has a thoughtful meditiation on the Winter Solstice that is worth reading in its entirety. Christianity was able...
This morning Google News reported the following two stories sequentially [emphasis added]: Controversy Over New 'Conscience'...
Take time out of your Christmas Rush and enjoy this offering from the Von Tone-Deaf Family Singers . :) (Hat tip...
I'm sorry I've been too busy to write much lately. Here's a quick tidbit for the one or two of you who check here daily and may...
With both of our girls we participated in the wonderful YMCA Swim and Gym classes from the time they were a few months old. ...
Because I have often written about Germany's persecution of parents who believe the education of their children is best accomplished...
The History of the Ancient World: From the Earliest Accounts to the Fall of Rome , by Susan Wise Bauer (W. W. Norton, New...
I've known for a long time that the plight of homeschoolers in Germany is dire, as I've written before (for example, here , here ,...
The difficult task of developing a vaccine for malaria appears to be making progress. The RTS,S vaccine, developed by...
We bought some luggage today. Amongst the choices, we found an American Tourister set that would do the job, but decided to look...
Where there are tests, there will be cheaters, and if the teachers are being judged by the efforts of their students, there will be...
What older person hasn't looked into the mirror, whether physical or metaphorical, and noticed, "I'm becoming my mother/father!"? ...
A recent news story highlights the perils of giving birth in Afghanistan . It's a great thing that midwives are being trained...
Eric Schultz has done it again. Never would I have thought a business writer could be so interesting. Perhaps it's because...
I'll admit it: I've been an A.W.A.D. fan ever since my father signed me up for the daily e-mails over 10 years ago, and I...