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I never used to pay attention to the weather forecast, and was amused by my mother-in-law's apparent fixation on the topic.  She...


Life with Faith - Another Short Update

At four days old, Faith saw the pediatrician for a general checkup.  The only news of note is that she weighed 9 lbs. 11 oz., up...


Taking Time to Understand

Three years ago I read and reviewed Lu Hanessian's Let the Baby Drive , and recently my thoughts have been returning to that...


Life with Faith - A Quick Update

Faith is three days old and mother and daughter are doing great.  Heather is healing rapidly, faster than with any of her other...


What No Electronic Communication Can Provide

Instead of writing something more interesting, say about Life with Grandchildren, here's a quick post on another column from The...


It's a Granddaughter! -- First Pictures

Click on a picture to see more. Early and middle labor:  Heather's still smiling, and the men are assembling a...


It's a Granddaughter! -- Short Version

On Saturday, September 6, 2008, at 6:35 p.m., Heather delivered a beautiful baby girl!  She weighs 9 lbs. 3.5 oz. and is 20.75...


Human Again

Posted in IrishOboe

I am now fully functional and feeling wonderful.   There’s nothing like being sick to encourage the appreciation of...


Okay, Defnitely Cheating Again... not writing something of my own, but I can really identify with this Occasional CEO post and thought you might be amused.


Upon Returning Home from a Trip to the Zoo

Jon:  If you had to pick, would you rather have a live mouse or a dead mouse in your house? Heather:  A dead mouse....


Playing Catch-up Backwards 1 (Aug 28-21, 2008)

Posted in IrishOboe

I’m at my sister’s new house for the purpose of helping with before and after baby needs and one of the first things I...


Baby Pool

I'm tired and have too much to do.  Therefore, I'm procrastinating.  I'm putting our guesses about Little Baby Daley 's...


European Genealogy and Genetics

No time for something more thoughtful at the moment, but I saw this and can't resist passing it on.  Check out this genetic map...


It Begins...

...and as far as I'm concerned, Hurricane Season can end right here.  Tropical Storm Fay's path is looking suspiciously like...


Can You See the Bookshelves?

I think maybe I know why no one has commented on my new bookshelves.  They're currently located under "Welcome" in the...


Why I Won't Be Applying for My Airborne Refund

Years ago, when a friend recommended Airborne for staving off colds, I was skeptical, as I always am with such claims.  But...


A Digression on Extraterrestrials, the Church, and...

Okay, I'm being really lazy today and merely posting a link to someone else's post, but there are too many other things to attend to,...


What If the Catholic Church Got This One Right?

When an article from my "to blog" backlog, a recent post from one of my blogging contacts, and an article from the most...


While the World, Watched?

Whatever you think about John Edwards, he isn't stupid, and choosing to admit his adulterous affair while our attention was focused on...


Alive and Well

Posted in IrishOboe

Just a quick post to say that I am alive and well and enjoying my vacation.  Obviously I've taken a vacation from just about...


Sacred Causes

John Stackhouse has another perspicacious post, this time on the homogenization of music in contemporary churches.  I know...


Why Blog?

It's been harder than I thought to write the "why I blog" post that's been on my backlog for ages.  So I'm just going...


Please Tell Me August 7 Is the UK Equivalent of April...

This is a joke , right?  It doesn't surprise me that some crackpot with "Dr." in front of his name should decide that...


Photo Contest Winners

Holcomb Farm has posted the winning photographs from its 2007 Photo Contest.  My favorite is the third prize winner.


Poisoning Ourselves

Last night our neighbors called to ask if we had noticed a terrible odor.  They had just returned home after a few hours away and...