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A Story by Jonathan

As dictated, unedited, while Mom, Dad, and Noah were napping. There was a bear.  And then he started hunting. ...


We're Goin' to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

That's what we did this morning.  We arrived at the Pittsburgh Zoo with a crab and left with a jellyfish, but in between Jonathan...


Who Was that Masked Webmaster?

Posted in IrishOboe


Ideology, Liberalism, and Law

John C. Wright is one of the latest entries in my feedreader, and frankly I've forgotten whom to credit and am too busy/lazy to try to...


Every Writer's Dream

Isamu Fukui doesn't make lemonade out of life's lemons, he makes the whole lemonade factory.  As a fifteen year old high school...


SAT Question of the Day

My morning routine often includes the SAT Question of the Day ; the mental exercise is not only fun (at least when your future...


Because One of You Is Male, and the Other Is Female

Not a proper post today, but I must keep my readers checking in.  :)  A post on Random Observations led me to this Boston...


Traveling with Small Children, 1780's Style

Our newly-found Smith Genealogy manuscript, which I mentioned in a previous post , is proving a treasure not only of facts but of...


Learning New Words

My teacher readers have permission to roll their eyes now, but I've finally figured out the reason for those stupid vocabulary...


Finally, some Swiss Adventuring!

Posted in IrishOboe

I’ve been too focused on my studies and my dwindling bank account to bother with much exploration, but I had two day passes for...


Sir Ken Robinson, Creativity, and Education

Thanks to the Prodical Kiwi(s) Blog for alerting me to this video of a talk by Sir Ken Robinson on nurturing (or not nurturing)...


My Tax Idea

The other day we were told, by one whose buisness it is to predict these things, that no matter who wins the upcoming presidential...


Humor of the Day

I hesitated (briefly) to post this, for fear the person concerned might, if she ever came this way, think I was making fun of her. ...


An Embarassment of Genealogical Riches

As with much of my life, my genealogcial work goes in spurts; I love to get deeply into a project and run with it until the demands of...



I've added a new category to this blog:  Genealogy.  This won't be the first post, as I've reclassified some earliers ones...


Swiss Taxes

Posted in IrishOboe

Let it be known that once again I called about Swiss taxes and once again I was told I do not need to do anything.   Last time...


Community and the Internet

The Cult of the Amateur arrived from the library yesterday, not that I've had time to crack it open yet.  But I thought about...


AWAD Quote

Posted in IrishOboe

Here lies, extinguished in his prime, a victim of modernity: but yesterday he hadn't time--- and now he has...


Hostess Janet

Posted in IrishOboe

My German Bible study is on vacation so I was left guilt free to host BCF Bible study last night.   I had a grand time doing...


Chef Janet

Posted in IrishOboe

So I’ve decided to stop being so scared about cooking and just do it.   I didn’t do anything too adventurous for...


I’m Dreaming of a White Easter

Posted in IrishOboe

In the dark we gathered at Margarethen cemetery, lit torches, sang, and walked over the hill to the church.   We gathered...


Christus ist Auferstanden!

Posted in IrishOboe

I get up in six hours for the sunrise service, but I just got back from an Easter Vigil service that lasted longer than two hours and...


Good Friday

Posted in IrishOboe

I’ve been working hard all week for the Good Friday service at BCF.   It was a nice service of readings, reflections,...


Good Friday Thought: No Sin, No Forgiveness

I wouldn't have thought to search the pages of USA Today for Good Friday inspiration, but Google News thought otherwise and led me to...


The Cult of the Amateur?

I’ve been a fan of the Mars Hill Audio Journal since the early 90s, though only an intermittent subscriber.   I enjoy and...