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In case any of you are more aware of the news than I am (I suspect that includes most of you), we have not been affected by the...


The English Patient and Forrest Gump

Has anyone here seen the movie, The English Patient ?  If so, did you like it?  If you did, why? It was the latest in...


Now If Only We Could Find Raw Milk in Switzerland

I mentioned the advantages of my customized Google News page yesterday, and here today is another example of its serendipity. One of...


My Lenten Disciplines

I love the season of Lent.  Not only because of all the great hymns associated with it, but because of the new possibilities it...


New Geography Challenge

Those of you who begin each day with my Morning Coffee page are already familiar with the Geography Zone challenge.  Thanks...


Sticker Shock

It's been a while since we paid college tuition (though the loans linger on), and even longer since we paid for private schooling...


Good Homeschooling Overview

I like my customized Google News page, the keyhole through which I see not only major world and U.S. stories, but also the latest news...


Porters Pinnacles

We've heard the story for years, how Grandma's cousin was captain of an icebreaker and had a place in Antarctica named for him. ...


Randy Pausch and Time Management

I know you're all waiting to hear of our most recent adventures in Switzerland, but I've been catching up on blog reading (over 100),...


Humor that Shatters

Humor is a funny thing.  Laughter may be the best medicine, but it can also wound deeply.  John Stackhouse addresses this...


Mom and Dad’s Visit 2008: The Second Week (Feb. 12-16)

Posted in IrishOboe

Tuesday (Feb. 12) Mom and Dad look the train and bus to Lichtenstein while I got some work done.   They came home just in time...



Posted in IrishOboe

That's a word that is fine to meet when playing the rice game, but when it is the translation of a German word in the music history essay...


Mom and Dad’s Visit 2008: The First Week (Feb. 2-11)

Posted in IrishOboe

Well, it’s been taking all my energy to keep my folks entertained, but whether they need it or not is another question.  ...


Mom and Dad in Switzerland Again!

Posted in IrishOboe

Mom and Dad made it safely into Basel and we had a quiet afternoon at the house.   Veronika made a wonderful Swiss dinner of...


Back Update January 19-26 2008

Posted in IrishOboe

Saturday, Jan. 19 th I went for a run with Valda through the forest paths.   I managed the trails barefoot, which made me...


Desperate Catch Up (Jan. 28-Feb. 1)

Posted in IrishOboe

So I’m about to start two weeks of sight seeing with Mom and Dad and I’m behind with my blog already!   Massively...


What is Wisdom?

Posted in IrishOboe

I know I should be getting ready for my folks - they come in 12 hours - wahoo!!  I saw this statement praised, but it scares...


Joy and Sorrow (Post-Party Depression)

I always get depressed when guests leave. Those who know me know also that I am basically an introvert and am energized by solitude...


Crazy Sunday

Posted in IrishOboe

I didn’t realize how behind I am with my blog, so I’ll go backwards in an attempt to catch up without getting overwhelmed....


A Year ago in Switzerland

Posted in IrishOboe

I’ve been in Switzerland for nine months, but I first touched Swiss soil (actually it was snow) a year ago today.   What...



I'm trying to clean up my office.  There's too much stuff that needs attending to, and it's getting lost in the paper shuffle....



Posted in IrishOboe

Thanks to Bloglines I'm keeping up better with blogs than with emails.  Apologies to the folks who have emails sitting in my...


Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene

Posted in IrishOboe

One of the first things I did when visiting Stephan’s apartment for the first time was check out his bookshelves.   They...


Update while the stew cools (Jan. 13-17, 2008)

Posted in IrishOboe

I foolishly tried to make Ais stew starting at night, now it’s nearly 11 and the stew is done but I can’t put it in the...


FreeRice: Guilt-Free Addiction?

I have over 200 e-mails in my inbox, and though sometimes I can deal with a lot quickly when I put my mind to it, progress came to a...