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Kingdom of Children

Kingdom of Children: Culture and Controversy in the Homeschooling Movement (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology), by Mitchell...


Family Vacation Part IV

Posted in IrishOboe

The big weekend with all of my sisters and my cousins and my aunts is over.   We had a marvelous time and the weather mostly...


Family Vacation Part III

Posted in IrishOboe

There’s not too much to report here other than the usual great food, fun in the sun and all the normal Maggie P. activities....


Family Vacation Part II: Home Sweet Maggie P.

Posted in IrishOboe

We arrived and tumbled out of the car breathing in the wonderful smells and spontaneous erupting into yelps of joy.   It is so...


Family Vacation Part I: The Long Trip Up

Posted in IrishOboe

Wednesday (July 18 th ) morning Mom and I left at a decent hour in the morning and started the four day trip up to the Maggie P....


St. Augustine: Traveling Florida

Posted in IrishOboe

When my family moved to Florida we spent a few years visiting the sights and exploring what the sunshine state as to offer.  ...


Stuck in NumLock Mode

Our laptop has been used in a docking station for months, and today I took it out to use it independently.  No go.  I could...



Posted in IrishOboe

C.S . Lewis on Friendship in his book The Four Loves: "Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the...


Concert Surprise, Or Why I Need My Husband

I need Porter. I'm not in this case referring to the fact that he has a good job and my employable skills are a quarter century out...


Newborn Screening Conundrum

Although I find highly objectionable the way most laboring mothers and their newborns are treated in America today, I'm still in...


A Word to the Wise: atsui, heiss, hot

Posted in IrishOboe

It's hot in Florida.  Really hot.  As a wise Floridian who grew up in the hot sun (and never understood the expression...



It's not news to most of my readers that I loathe shopping. If I know exactly what I want and can head directly to the store and...


You Know It's Summer in Florida...

...when you take a shower with the water set all the way to "cold" and it's still too warm by the time you've finished washing...


It's all about ME

Posted in IrishOboe

Of course it’s not, but the bride didn’t want me posting pictures of her on my blog, so I can’t show you are gorgeous...


The Van Fleet Trail, Part 2

Last Saturday we returned to the Van Fleet Trail and rode the second third, from the Bay Lake Trailhead to the Green Pond Road...


Exercise and Brain Growth

Television has long been called the "idiot box," but here is more evidence that being a couch potato harms the brain as...


First, Do No Harm

So just what kind of people are we dealing with here?  According to this article , the eight suspects in Britain's recent failed...


Still More Good News about Dark Chocolate

I can rarely resist passing on good news like this.  Most reports of the benefits of chocolate, especially dark chocolate, come...


Numb3rs - TV Like Me

First a confession:  We have recently gone over to the Dark Side.  That is, we joined Netflix. Despite our firm...


What's Missing Here?

A new study indicates that a combination of high fat, high sugar, and high stress is what piles on dangerous abdominal fat.  A...


Stone Soup and More

I don't have enough data yet from my comics survey to make any permanent changes, but I've added a couple of new ones on a trial basis...


In the States

Posted in IrishOboe

It’s midnight, I have a scratchy throat and I’m sneezing.   I’ve just finished packing for my trip to Texas...


Say It Ain't So!

I hope this Weather Underground data is inaccurate!  Are there any readers from the Downingtown, Pennsylvania area who can...


I'm Home!

Posted in IrishOboe

Thanks for your prayers.  I made it home safely and the only hitch was an hour delay on my last leg.  It really was no trouble...


The Van Fleet Trail

We ventured further last weekend, driving to Clermont and the General James. A. Van Fleet State Trail .  Porter was all for doing...