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Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely.

That's the subtitle of a Wired article by Edward Tufte.  My brother sent me the link.  I prefer to believe he didn't...


Boys into Men

One of our nephews is a Boy Scout. My father was for many years a Boy Scout leader, so when I joined the Girl Scouts I was...


Prayer Support

We were exhausted after our return from Switzerland, and our trip was a lot shorter and easier than Janet's will be, so I'm sure...


Fruits of the Garden

Last year's small garden yielded only half a dozen tomatoes, some chives, and a good supply of basil, largely because it got no water...


RETHINK - Air Conditioning

The May 21, 2007 issue of Computerworld has an interview with Amory B. Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute .  Talk about...


And That's a Problem???

The July issue of Reader's Digest has an advice column called "Ask Laskas."  Here is the first question:...


Preparing for Thanksgiving

Each family has its own Thanksgiving traditions.  Friendly swordfighting is part of ours.  Here Noah and Jonathan...


Comics Survey

Every once in a while the Orlando Sentinel publishes a comics survey, in which they ask readers to rate the comics they read and...


Round Ireland with a Fridge

Round Ireland with a Fridge , by Tony Hawks (St. Martin's Press, New York, 2000) This is Janet's book, given to her by a...


One Week Left! (Swiss construction, audition, dancing in...

Posted in IrishOboe

Now that I know I’m coming back, I’m getting terribly excited about going home to see everyone, watch my friend get...


Children and Church

Posted in IrishOboe

This essay is an attempt to speak calmly about an experience that I just want to rant about.   The subject is important to me, but...


Completing Some Trails and then Some

Yesterday we thought we'd do a few short stretches of trail to cover the northernmost portions of the Cross-Seminole Trail and the...


Stop! Drop that Yardstick!

I'm mailing a package to France, and as always it amused me to check out the "prohibited" list.  You are not allowed to...


Night Before the Audition Thoughts

Posted in IrishOboe

So just what goes through the mind the day before an audition that will determine the course of your life?   Lucky for me I have...


Flag Day

In honor of Flag Day , I give a salute not only to our own flag, but also to those of our ancestors (so far discovered)....


More Comics

Posted in IrishOboe

I admit it.  I like to read the comics online every morning.  There are better habits to keep, I know.  Today I felt like sharing...


The Sursum Corda Library

If I'd known how big a project book cataloguing would be, I'm not sure I would have had the courage to start, but now that it's...


Plus Ça Change….

While working on my book cataloguing project, I came upon an old church mission report, stuck in an even older Cruden's Complete...


Only Two Weeks Left (Japanese evening, real rain, church...

Posted in IrishOboe

This week I’ve had a hard time keeping an eternal perspective.   Everything rests on my audition Friday and there on the work...


Homeschooling and Spelling

Posted in IrishOboe

  Growing up I'd often be working and just shout out a question to mommy.  If she didn't have the answer she'd look it up...


Fear, Love, and Blogging

Posted in IrishOboe

Believe it or not, I’m not much of a blogger.   My mother set me up with a blog when I heartlessly decided to abandon her to...


Bon Voyage, Atlantis!

You'll see a better video almost anywhere else, but here is a bit of natsukashi for our expatriot Floridians! You...


The Essence of Unschooliing

Today's Frazz :


The Heatherin

Janet wasn't the only one of our children who made musical instruments.  This is a Heatherin, or rather the Heatherin, the only...


Mid-Week Update (baking cookies, Swiss funerals, a new...

Posted in IrishOboe

I see by the comments on my Forgiveness post that I haven’t been relating as many fascinating details of life here in...