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But Mom, We're Just Studying Math!

Swordplay has always been a major part of my extended family's get-togethers, from plastic tube "swords" for the younger...


A Good Day

Posted in IrishOboe

Every day is beautiful and every day I rejoice in the Lord, but some days the sun shines down and happy praises are easy to voice, and...


Discipline, Punishment, and Spanking

I'm supposed to be writing about our trip to Europe, but the discussion on a friend's blog (begun here and continued here ) tempted...


Random Impressions of a Bit of Europe

We just returned from a dream vacation in Europe—hmmm, that sounds a bit pretentious, doesn't it?  But it's true.  It...


For Next Lent

Posted in IrishOboe

I know it is too early to be thinking of next lent, but I saw a painting in the Orsay Museum that really spoke to me.  ...


Weit Weg: Mom and Dad Return Home

Posted in IrishOboe

On this beautiful second Sunday of Easter I guided my parents to the airport and we said our goodbyes.   We managed to make it...


Test Post Time for Ten Things

Posted in IrishOboe

Mom set me up with a new way to upload pictures and I'm trying it out on a random picture.  I found this poem at the Paper...


Back from France

Posted in IrishOboe

I have only enough time to announce that we made it safely back to Basel after an enchanting week in France.   I had the mostly...


The Third and Last Full Day in Basel (the first time)

Posted in IrishOboe

What I mean by that is that tomorrow we leave for France for six days then we will again be back in Switzerland for the last three days...


Only the Second Full Day?!

Posted in IrishOboe

I continue to push Mom and Dad to their limit as we fill the days with fun activities.   Today to the surprise of everyone they...


The first full day in Switzerland for Mom and Dad

Posted in IrishOboe

We got off to a leisurely start because we all needed the rest and I was shocked to find I’d slept until 9.   Shortly after we...


Mommy and Daddy are here!!!!

Posted in IrishOboe

The best birthday present I get for the big 25 is a visit from two of the most lovely people in my life: Mom and Dad!   The only...


More on Cultural Exchange

Joshua T. White, of the Institute for Global Engagment , spent a year in Peshawar, Pakistan, as the guest of the provincial chief...


Bleib cool, man!

Posted in IrishOboe

Here is some random Swissness for you that I encountered today.   Carrying around a big quilted package in the shape of a harp...


Grandma Bragging Time

We just received a very cool picture in the mail, from Jonathan, and I had to share it with those of you who will appreciate it as much...


Name that Tune

Posted in IrishOboe

I played harp a lot today, but I mostly used the time to work out a piece that I love by ear.  I went to check it with the original,...


Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?

Once again, Tim at Random Observations has provided post which I must pass on.  (Warning:  Yes, it's depressing, but worth...


Update (Sun.-Wed. March 25-28)

Posted in IrishOboe

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s more of the same: concerts, lessons, discovery, joy, and not a shred of time to straighten my head out...


Prenatal Beef Consumption?

It was the title that struck me: Study spotlights prenatal beef consumption I found the image of tiny babies-in-utero chowing down...


My New Harp

Posted in IrishOboe

Here is a video of my new harp.  I'm playing the piece I was assigned at my first lesson last Wednesday.  Playing for the camera is...


More Spring Flowers

I was going to e-mail these pictures to Grandpa W., from whose long-ago gift of amarylis bulbs these beauties are descended, but then...


Day Care Study

The day care debate would be only of mild interest to me, given that despite my own strong feelings on the matter, I equally strongly...


HPV: They Did Try to Tell Us; I Remember

I remember the response, too. I've written about the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine campaign before.  Now I want to...


What Happened to Imagination?

Posted in IrishOboe

I overheard a comment the other day that made me shudder.   Without further comment, I leave you this food for thought.  ...


Cheap Title

In Arizona, the winning team in the kindergarten through sixth grade category of the recent state scholastic chess championship must...