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One More Reason to Avoid Hospitals

Advocates of home birth complain that doctors and hospitals view childbirth as a medical procedure rather than a natural event. Today's...


What's Sauce for the Goose...

At our children's elementary school, the administration made it clear that parents were not particularly welcome to visit their...


Hospital Dilemma

Hospitals: You can't live with them, and you can't live without them. A trip to a hospital can add years of health and wholeness to...


More Good News about Music

Even young children can benefit from music lessons. I knew that, but it's nice to read about this McMaster University study of twelve...


50 Reasons for Homeschooling

Back in 1990, just before we took the plunge into homeschooling, I sat down one day and typed out every reason that came to mind for...


Bon Voyage, Atlantis!

Clouds prevented our seeing much of the launch, but we did once again enjoy the thrill of seeing the space shuttle's flame soar...


Home Education Research from the UK

I'm cleaning out old computer files, and came upon this article by Paula Rothermal of the University of Durham. Unfortunately, I no...


What's Missing Here?

I should be happy that the New York Times is highlighting the importance of breastfeeding. But this article on the difficulties...


Sex in the Society

This isn't a review of Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons . I haven't read the book, and am not sure I have the stomach to. But I...


Check Your Location Before Drinking Cider

From this article on a Scottish study of the health benefits of drinking cider, I learned the following critical difference between what...


The Addams Family

One recent morning I suddenly realized the theme from the Addams Family television show was running through my head. What brought...


North Carolina, Caring for Your Heath

We stopped at a Ruby Tuesday restaurant on our way through North Carolina. There we were delighted to order the bison burger, described...


Tropical Storm Interactive Flash Tool

Here's a cool interactive flash tool for tracking not only Ernesto but any other tropical storm that might be around, such as the...



Okay, I'm grateful no hurricanes threatened while we were out of town. Really I am. But it's good to be home, and I'd really rather...


Maybe I Should Stop Trying to Cut My Tea Intake

You have to bear in mind that the study was done in Britain, and was funded by the Tea Council, but it's still nice to hear more...


Invisible Firefox

When I have a problem, I'm always amazed at how often a simple Internet search will reveal other with the same problem and very often a...


Come, Let Us Reason Together

Today's Orlando Sentinel has a good essay on Christian involvement in political issues by Joel Hunter, pastor of Northland Community...


Last Two Weeks in Japan Part I: Hiking on Yatsugatake

Posted in IrishOboe

A lot happened in my last two weeks in Japan , so I’ll write about each even separately and slowly. It wasn’t quite as...


Home Again!

Posted in IrishOboe

I’m home safe and sound and have been enjoying a relaxing week. Jet lag is not so fun, but I’m surviving, and hopefully having...


Yet Another Reason for Breastfeeding

Okay, the latest airport security problem is not in the least bit funny. But sometimes you have to see the humorous side to stay...


The Hospital Wishes to "Apologize for Any Distress to...

Imagine this scenario: After two devastating miscarriages you get pregnant, and you, your husband, and your children begin to dare to...


Blessings on Thee....

Serendipity. Searching for one thing and finding another. And another. The Internet is a beachcomber's delight. While researching my...


Last Day in Japan

Posted in IrishOboe

I am now at the Ryuo library using the computer I first used to write from Japan, but now they have gmail blocked so I can't check my...


Buying from

I like supporting small companies and local businesses, including local incarnations of chain stores. Browsing the nearby Borders,...


Vaccination, Homeschooling, and Why West Virginia May Not...

Let me make clear up front that I'm glad our grandchildren are on schedule for most of the currently-recommended childhood vaccinations....