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Things Not to Leave for Your Heirs to Sort Through

I mentioned in the last post that I am cleaning the kitchen. (You can tell how easy this project is by how many blog posts I've written...


Johari Window

Jon's Johari Window was a nice break from cleaning the kitchen, so I decided to set up one for myself. There's more to the Johari...


Stay Cool!

The weather forecast given on our local classical music stations considers itself to be grim. But highs in the mid-90's, although...


The Future of Christianity

Tom Grosh alerted me to this October, 2003 Christianity Today interview with Yale University professor Lamin Sanneh , Sanneh's...


Dumbing Down Politics

You didn't think our political culture could go any lower? In a reminder that we have made no forward progress since 1999, when David...


For Food Storage, Colder Is Not Always Better

A U. S. Department of Agriculture study has determined that watermelons stored at room temperature * are far more nutritious than...


Terrors of the Deep

In 1971 I worked with researchers at the University of Rochester who were studying the algae blooms that were making a mess of...


Book "Meme"

I know I’m an independent sort of blogger. My need is to write, and I use the blog format because the LifeType software is so...


The Medical Police

The good news is that Starchild Abraham Cherrix and his family finally found a judge brave enough to lift the lower court order that...


Sumimasen! Crosswalk Music!

I can't recommend the movie Lost in Translation to anyone I know. It's an R-rated film with an uninspiring story and scenes you'd...


Swing Girls

If you live in the United States, you may never have a chance to see the movie, Swing Girls . It is presently unavailable in this...


Weekend July 22nd-23rd (adventure with exchange students...

Posted in IrishOboe

Saturday morning I did my best to do productive work even though I was still sad and unmotivated from having said goodbye to Shirane....


Coping Strategies for RETHINKers

Home Education Magazine has a great article by Deborah Markus called Being a Cheerful Rebel . Sometimes being a nonconformist...


The Resistance - Neil Postman

[R]esistance entails conceiving of parenting as an act of rebellion against American culture. For example, for parents merely to...


The Resistance - Cal Thomas

True power remains with individuals. Ultimately we have the power to shape and even change lives. It is unleashed when...


RETHINK - I Never Expected to Be a Revolutionary, but Our...

We always expected our children to surpass their parents; after all, they have the advantage of standing on our shoulders, and of...


Update July 18th-21st Last Week of School

Posted in IrishOboe

Time is flying by and I only have two more weeks in Japan . I’m finding it so hard to believe I’m not living like it’s...


Hippo Family Club Homestay #2 (July 15th-17th)

Posted in IrishOboe

On the long weekend (Sat.-Mon.) I went with two families from Hippo to a condo in Nagano . Biki and Piccolo (Hippo nicknames) and...


Last Day of School

Posted in IrishOboe

Today I smiled a lot and said "matta ne" to the students and teachers at Shirane high school. Many people waved goodbye...


To Shirane Students!

Posted in IrishOboe

Hello! Thanks for looking at my homepage! Four students have E-mailed me! I'm so happy! You can write, too! I will miss Shirane...


Jonathan Quote of the Day

We brought Noah to church, but he's still nice. Jonathan loves going to church, so I'm not at all sure what he meant...


Jonathan and Aunt Janet

I've mentioned before that Jonathan is highly verbal, especially for a two year old boy. I hate stereotypes and the judgement of...


What Hath Postmodernism Wrought?

While doing a Google search for a friend's blog, I came upon this exchange on someone else's blog. To be fair, I know nothing about...


Unwarranted Sex Discrimination Is Alive and Well

When Larry Summers, then President of Harvard, dared suggest that genetic differences between men and women might, in general,...


Janet Stars in Kabuki (July 11, 2006)

Posted in IrishOboe

Miwako invited me to go to a kabuki concert a long time ago and I’d never seen it so I accepted even though the ticket was like...