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Last 三年生 (3rd years) Class :(

Posted in IrishOboe

It was very sad to say goodbye to my third years Jan. 31 st . As per one of the girl’s requests I made oatmeal chocolate chip...


In General (Small events throughout the week (end of Jan.)

Posted in IrishOboe

In general the weather hasn’t been nearly as cold as it was before. It’s still cold, but nothing has frozen again besides my...


Bible Study

Posted in IrishOboe

The last time I mentioned Bible study we had decided to get a little deeper into the word. After much prayer and anticipation we had...


Breech Birth: Vaginal Delivery vs. Caesarean Study Flawed

Fixed ideas, even if later discredited, are hard to dislodge. This is why urban legends and Internet rumors must repeatedly be...


End of the Spear

I haven't yet managed to post my review of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe , but I'll let End of the Spear sneak in ahead...


Brief Earthquake News

Posted in IrishOboe

Janet sent word that she is fine after the recent earthquake , in case anyone had heard and was worried.


Tragedy at Shirane High School

Posted in IrishOboe

At the morning meeting January 30 th the principal told us that Erika, a second year girl, had died suddenly the night before. They...


The Greatest Free Day So Far: Kyudo!

Posted in IrishOboe

On Saturday, January 28 th I could only catch up on sleep a little before I had to be up and biking to Kose Sports Park to...


Presentation for 白根高校...

Posted in IrishOboe

To the horror of my JTE’s I left the plans for the PTA presentation to the last minute. I managed to finish and give a pretty good...



Posted in IrishOboe

I ran again in preparation for running with the boy’s tennis club, but what started as a push-yourself-a-little 40 minute run turned...


Bike Adventures

Posted in IrishOboe

As part of my desire to get more involved with the students, and partly from a curiosity of how the brass band system actually works...


Rabbit Rabbit Update Feb. 1 2006

Posted in IrishOboe

My, how time flies when you’re having fun. I’ve had the most interesting two weeks and have been too interested in my books to...


Know Your Mortician...and Your Hospital

As further proof that we haven't progressed much, ethically, from the days when unsavory characters made midnight forays into graveyards...


More "Mad Cow" Worries

Because I have a friend who is an avid deer hunter, the New York Times article on chronic wasting disease caught my eye. CWD is the...


Back Up Your Data!

It was a bit frightening. A few months ago we added a Maxtor OneTouch 200G external hard drive to our system, which excited me...


Links Fixed

For those of you who have given up on the long-broken links to Peter's Ponderings and Hannah's Happenings , I finally fixed them....


A Word from the Webmaster

You will notice a change in the form used for making comments. Thanks to an enterprising (among other adjectives) spammer, I've had to...


A Word from the Webmaster

Posted in IrishOboe

You will notice a change in the form used for making comments. Thanks to an enterprising (among other adjectives) spammer, I've had to...



This Orlando Sentinel column by Leonore Waldrip needs a wider audience. So for the dozen or so of my non-robotic readers, here it is.


Home Birth is Looking Better All the Time

Imagine: You are happily expecting the birth of your child, and when the thrilling moment approaches you check into your local hospital,...


Monday Jan 16- Friday Jan 20 (Intellectual Bible study?!...

Posted in IrishOboe

This week I let work consume me, but it wasn’t all that exhausting. But fist I’ll talk about Monday Bible study. The...


First Week of School in the New Year (Jan. 10-15, 2006)

Posted in IrishOboe

It was a busy week of school because though I planned the semester I hadn’t made all the handouts for it or given much thought to my...


Tragedy at Milwee Middle School

Most of you will hear about this sooner or later—it was on the front page of the CNN website tonight, so no doubt it will be on the...


First Week in 2006

Posted in IrishOboe

Monday, Jan. 2 was a holiday so I took the opportunity to sleep and soon after I woke up it started snowing! This was the first snow...


The Giver

The Giver , by Lois Lowry (Dell Laurel-Leaf, New York, 1993) I doubt I would have found The Giver had it not been required reading...