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Typhoons and Such

Posted in IrishOboe

I've added a link to Weather Underground's Tropical Weather page, so you can keep an eye on Tropical Storm Banyan, along with other...


Post topics and more orientation

Posted in IrishOboe

I just realized that I haven't set up post categories so everything so far has just been "general."  I'll try to add some and...


JET What?

Posted in IrishOboe

It has been brought to my attention that there are some of you don't know what I'm doing here in Japan so here is a very brief...


Orientation Day 1

Posted in IrishOboe

I do not have time to do this post justice, but I'm guessing that numerous short blog posts are better than long, but infrequent ones. ...


What Happened on the Way to New York City

Posted in IrishOboe

Janet's first event in NYC was at 3:15, but she needed to check into her hotel, which was near the airport, before then, so we planned...


First Morning

Posted in IrishOboe

Good morning all!  I don't have much to report since it's only 7:30am here, but since I was on I figured I'd post.  Last night I went...


In Tokyo!

Posted in IrishOboe

I made it! The whole trip was not without adventure, the most of which happened on the way to NYC, but none the less, I made it and as...


Sunday, July 24, 12:06 EDT Quick Update

Posted in IrishOboe

The story of our trip to NYC deserves a longer post, but we just got home and it's late and we're a mite tired, so you get the quick...


Friday Morning

Posted in IrishOboe

Well, today is the day!  It's 8am and we're planing to drive to NYC around 10am.  Then the adventure begins! Love to all!  I'll post...


Flight Itinerary

Posted in IrishOboe

It occurs to me that most of you might not know when I'm actually going to Japan. Tomorrow (Friday, 22nd), Mom and Dad drive me to NYC...


Mass E-mail

Posted in IrishOboe

If you are visiting this blog because of the mass email that I sent out using my university account (that will soon die), thanks for...



Posted in IrishOboe

Hello everyone! I'm having a great time with family here at the Maggie P. Soon I'll give everyone my new email address and a link to...


IrishOboe Goes Overseas

Posted in IrishOboe

A point of contact between the Itinerant Musician and her friends and family. Right now it bears too much of the System Administrator's...


Tofu and Fertility, Science and Common Sense

Women who want to get pregnant are now being advised to avoid tofu and other soy products , at least around the peak times for...


Judging a Book by Its Cover

I've never read Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them:  A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right , and frankly I doubt it...


Dance with Your Baby!

Score one more for mothers. When you sang to your baby, rocking and bouncing him, or danced with him around the room, others may have...


Music Meme

This isn't high on the list of important things I have to do at the moment, but Jon challenged me and it looks like fun, so I'll see if...


Memorial Day

Like many Americans, we plan to spend this Memorial Day relaxing with friends. As good and proper an activity as that is, we would be...


Boosting Your Brain Power

Who wouldn't want to be smarter, think more clearly, and be able to concentrate better? New Scientist has compiled a list of...


Cattlemen's Barbecue Sauce

Back in the old days, when corportate headquarters was on One Mustard Street in Rochester, New York, Porter worked for the R. T. French...



For those of you to whom this matters, I've added syndication links (RSS, etc.) to the right-hand panel. I'm a complete novice here, but...


Breastfeeding and Blood Pressure

Research has shown, once again, that the human body works best when used according to its original design. A study of more than 2000...


Claude Moore Colonial Farm

Just off the Georgetown Pike (Route 193) in McLean, Virginia, right across from the CIA, you can step back in time to 1771 at the...


Out of the Mouths of Babes

I have an eight year old friend who is a self-proclaimed vegetarian ("I don't like meat"), although this is not entirely accurate, since...



When God created the sun, He called it good. In recent years we have been told that God was wrong. Doctors—and hence parents,...