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The Virus and the Vaccine

The Virus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans...


Periodic Table of the Elements

When you walk into Heather and Jon's house, you can't miss the Periodic Table that takes up most of one wall. It was an extraordinary...


Misleading Headlines

Government got it wrong on advice to pregnant women Folic acid advice has had little impact on birth defects Recommendations...


Boston Wins Two Out of Three!

Having made so much of the Red Sox for their World Series win, I must also congratulate the Patriots for their Super Bowl performance....


The 8th Habit

The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness , by Stephen R. Covey (Free Press, 2004) Strictly speaking, this is not a review of...


The Virus Within

The Virus Within: A Coming Epidemic , by Nicholas Regush (Dutton, 2000) I know that my brother had roseola when he was 14 months old,...


Courtesy, Common Sense, and Classroom Flags

The Orlando Sentinel recently published a letter by a local community college professor expressing his disgust over a new Florida law...


School Is No Place to Read

My friend knew she would get a reaction from me when she sent a page from the Kenyon College Alumni Bulletin . She might not have...


Winter Storm Warning

It seems ludicrous, with the thermometer reading a very pleasant 72 degrees, and the rest of our family enduring subzero temperatures and...


Dorm Brothel

That's the intriquing title of an article by Vigen Guroian, a professor at Loyola College in Baltimore, who warns that unsuspecting...


Opportunity Lost

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.  (Proverbs 3:27) Last night some...


The Radioactive Boy Scout

The Radioactive Boy Scout: The True Story of a Boy and His Backyard Nuclear Reactor , by Ken Silverstein (Random House, 2004)...


Weather Change!

Florida has been experiencing unseasonably warm weather recently, though here it is not as welcome as the 60 - 70 degree temperatures in...


Lime Daley is the name of Jon Daley 's Internet hosting and embedded hardware and software systems company. It is also the name...


Tsunami Relief and Other Good Causes

Everywhere you turn these days you'll find an opportunity to make donations to help the victims of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami. My...


Curry for Brain Health

Don't you just love it when things you like to eat turn out to be good for you? Turmeric is a spice commonly found in Indian curries and...


Geography Olympics

Yee-Ha! I just pushed Florida past Wisconsin to take over the #33 spot in the Geography Olympics . Pennsylvania (#31) here we come!...


Christmas Morning

Many churches have early evening "family services" on Christmas Eve, so that young children don't have to stay up for...


Christmas Eve

'Tis the final day of Advent, and family is gathered around. Tonight we hear the penultimate story from Jotham's Journey , which we...


A Sad State of Affairs, Indeed

News reports are trumpeting findings which, if true, show that our society has fallen even lower than I had thought. A study of almost...


Mothers Will Not Be Bullied!

We have a friend who just delivered her third child after two previous Caesarean sections that followed non-progressive labors....


More Good News about Chocolate

A study in London showed that chocolate is a more effective cough medicine than those terrible-tasting syrups, and has fewer side...


Prepare for Your Thanksgiving Feast—Sleep!

Worried about putting on extra pounds with upcoming holiday feasting? Remember what your mom always told you, and be sure to get...


The WMAG Is One Year Old Today!

One year ago today we were basking in the sun of an unusually warm November day, and in the healing joy of the birth of a beautiful,...


Reverse Medical Missionaries

A technique for protecting premature infants , developed in Colombia because of a shortage of incubators, is proving so effective that...