Recently I re-read The Light in the Forest , a book from my childhood, though I hardly needed to read the whole book to find the...
I like to cook. Really, I do. This happened overnight.
I read a lot. Now, "a lot" is pretty much a meaningless term. Since I started keeping track in 2010, I have averaged 72.2 books per...
There was no reason the day should have been unusual. It began with a phone conversation with a good friend, and ended with choir...
As I wrote before , we recently made our first airplane voyage since before the start of the pandemic. I was surprised at how rusty we...
My favorite Canadian lawyer has a weekly feature called "The Sidebar" in which he and American lawyer Robert Barnes spend an hour and a...
Every time I get close to abandoning Facebook altogether, I find something worthwhile I probably would never otherwise have seen....
Grace Victoria Daley Born Sunday, October 24, 2021, 12:25 p.m. Weight: 9 pounds, 9 ounces Length: 20.5 inches Mom,...
Still waiting for baby news. In the meantime, David Freiheit has the best analysis (9.5-minute video) I've seen yet of the...
I'll admit it: I never like suffering. Especially suffering I believe to be unjust. As a Christian, my greatest desire should be to...
My grandson persuaded me to take this personality type quiz because his own results matched so perfectly with his personality that he...
My readers from Florida will recognize that even the best citrus juice you can buy in a grocery store is a pale imitation of the Real...
It's about time for another word from my favorite Canadian lawyer , who is struggling to balance principles and...
Southwest Airlines has been getting some bad press recently, but we've recently had a wonderful experience. I'm very disappointed...
Happy Columbus Day! (On my calendar it is October 12, no matter what the USPS says.) If you don't celebrate Columbus Day, have a...
So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love by Cal Newport (Business Plus,...
Point 1: What is the good of euphemisms? They enable us to express something without resorting to offensive words (whatever the...
My constant prayer since the start of the development of the COVID-19 vaccines has been that the knowledge gained would lead to an...
Last Sunday we might almost have been on vacation, with visits to one church, two art museums, and a restaurant. Double or triple the...
It causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that...
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathaniel Philbrick (Penguin Books, 2000) I...
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. I ran into this quote, called Hanlon's Razor, in an...
I'm overwhelmed with all the news that begs comment and threatens to overwhelm the ordinary life events that I like to post for family...
American Journeys Volume 1 by Lois Lenski (includes Indian Captive , Judy’s Journey ,...
I was pleased to see the following display at our local Publix. It's certainly a healthier alternative to the cookies that are usually...