During my lockdown-inspired nesting phase, I tacked the master bedroom closet first, and was thrilled to find two flags from my...
Mostly we are continuing to work quite contentedly on our projects at home, supplemented by regular Skype sessions with grandchildren, a...
This year my children and my husband got together for an entirely different kind of Mother's Day treat: a selection of Jeni's Ice Cream...
[ Editor's Note: This is homeschooling. The school year has ended and thus Wyatt has more time to devote to writing, setting...
The world may be facing some very serious difficulties right now, but the world has always faced serious difficulties. One of the...
Murder and Magic, by Randall Garrett (Ace, 1979; written 1964-1973) Too Many Magicians, by Randall Garrett (Ace,...
The coronavirus has really brought out the culture differences throughout both the world and the country. It has sharply contrasted the...
Up front disclaimer: I write with little knowledge of the details of recent events in America. What I say comes from more than half a...
My Big Adventure of the week? Picking up two books I had ordered from the library. I called ahead because they have a 25% capacity...
On April 1 I mailed two things to Switzerland: a birthday card for Janet, and a Priority Mail box of books that she had ordered and had...
Florida's gradual "reopening" has had little discernable effect on our lives. None of our outside activities have reopened as yet, and...
The new coronavirus has brought many changes to our lives. I do not think that we’ll ever go back to the way things used to be, as...
A friend sent me this interview , from the Indianapolis Star , about our current situation. The interviewees were two...
A friend posted this on Facebook. I have my suspicions that it was meant—by him, by the original author, or both—to...
Of Other Worlds: Essays and Stories by C. S. Lewis, edited by Walter Hooper (Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1966) The...
Now there's a title I'll bet no one else has used. All the disruption caused by the COVID-19 virus turns out to have a positive side...
The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature by C. S. Lewis (Cambridge University Press, 1964)...
C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide by Walter Hooper (Harper San Francisco , 1996) At over 940 pages in length, this is not...
I could have avoided shopping this week, though we were out of several things in the produce line, so I'm glad I did. Since many...
My Google Maps Timeline is boring: I haven't been anywhere since my grocery store outing on April 21st. Not that I'm suffering much,...
Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer by C. S. Lewis (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1963) Unlike Lewis's Letters to Children...
I thought these had disappeared decades ago, yet look what showed up when I cleaned out our closet! (Click to enlarge.) I...
Last Tuesday morning I ventured out of the house to take advantage of the "senior shopping hours" from 7 to 8 at Publix. Our need was...
Letters to Children by C. S. Lewis, edited by Lyle W. Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead (Touchstone, 1985) For a man whose...
The following is another guest post from my "youthful correspondent," who now has a name: Wyatt. His previous...