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Going to Church in Switzerland

When visiting Rome, we prayed in far more churches that I can possibly remember, from the incredible St. Peter's Basilica in the...



Hey, Eric !  Look what I found in the Summer 2019 issue of American Ancestors ! I haven't had a cartoon published since...



When it comes to travel, I'm a huge fan of Rick Steves . Not of his politics, but if you avoid his more informal, off-the-cuff...


The Feast of St Francis of Assisi

How many Anglo-Catholic snake-handling churches do you know? Once a year we let our wild side show.   This was at our...



Last Sunday, our church celebrated the Feast of Michael and All Angels.  Also known, it turns out, as Michaelmas, a term I had only...


Jessye Norman, and Her Carol

Jessye Norman has taken her voice to a higher choir. In memoriam I offer two versions of one of my favorite choir anthems, Donald...


September - No Books?

Since 2010 I have kept a list of the books I've read each year. It began as a New Year's resolution , when I...


The Message (Bible Version)

The Message: The Bible in Contemporary Language  by   Eugene H. Peterson (Navpress, 2002) It's my habit to read...


TSA Service

The life of a Transportation Security Administration inspector is not an easy one. I had packed my suitcase efficiently and well,...



What do you do when you're hiking along in Switzerland and a big Bernese Mountain dog runs up to you, leans against your leg, and sits...


Ahh, Milk!

Ramblings inspired by a glass of milk: America, the land of Liberty. New Hampshire, the state with the motto, Live Free or Die ....


A Promising, Practical Use for Artificial Intelligence

Promising, practical ... and, as with so many applications of massive data collection and analysis, maybe a little perturbing. This post...


Recasting the Past

Recasting the Past: The Middle Ages in Young Adult Literature  by Rebecca Barnhouse  (Boynton/Cook, 2000) This was...



I posted the following back in 2011, and its message is just as vital today.   Unfortunately, the link to the Occasional CEO...


Waiting for Dorian

There is something in the very presence and actuality of a thing to make one able to bear it; but a man may weaken himself for...


Rizzoli & Isles

On a whim—or more accurately, a teaser from my sister-in-law—I put the show  Rizzoli & Isles  on our Netflix...


Whistling in the Dark

While praying and working with Dorian taking aim right at us, it is impossible to resist some musical jokes about current events. Dorian...


Spicy Chicken Sandwiches

Overall, I'm a big fan of Chick-fil-A. It's the exception to our policy of not eating fast food except when travelling, and even then...


William Stoddard Wightman

Porter is now the patriarch of our family.  His father died last week, at the good age of 92.  We are thankful that he did not...


Lunch Despotism in Italy

The school lunchbox is dead in Italy. The Italian Supreme Court has ruled against parents who want to send lunch to school with...


Smoke on the Mountain

Smoke on the Mountain:   An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments  by Joy Davidman (The Westminster Press, 1953) I...


Ruminations on Back to School

People on Facebook and elsewhere have been wishing Florida students "happy first day of school." Leaving aside that I agree with C. S....


A Taste for Vulgarity and Sensationalism

I can hardly regret having escaped the appalling waste of time and spirit which would have been involved in reading the war news or...



Decisive:   How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work  by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (Crown Business, 2013) This book...


Flying on Your Own Two Feet

The jetpacks of science fiction are closer to reality ! It may not be the most comfortable way to get from England to France,...

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