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Facts Don't Change Our Minds - Friendship Does

I read a satirical article recently in which someone from Political Group A wrote as if he were from Political Group B. Except for the...


How Strangely the Mind Works

I never fail to get a kick out of the way my mind has a mind of its own. There are things I know that I don't know I know, tucked away...


The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael

A Morbid Taste for Bones:   The First Chronicle of Brother Cadfael  by Ellis Peters (Little, Brown, first published 1977)...


Yesterday's Falcon Launch and First Stage Landing

We couldn't see yesterday's Falcon 9 launch from home this time, due to clouds between us and the coast. We did catch the first stage...


July 21-24, 1969

After staying up all night to watch the moon walk , I was glad the next two days on our Girl Scout European adventure included not much...


The Beatles - A Brief Reminiscence

I was eleven years old when the Beatles first came to America. The cultural effect, as viewed from sixth grade, was more momentous than...


July 20, 1969

On July 19 our touring Girl Scout group had left London and a madcap sightseeing itinerary behind and settled into a hostel of sorts...


July 16, 1969

Fifty years ago a few intrepid adults gathered a flock of teenaged girls and took them on a tour of Europe. What were they thinking???...


Now More than Ever

I've been looking over some of my posts from years ago, and rediscovered this inspiring short film .  Take a 16-minute break and...


Small Town America - Fest and Fair in Hillsboro, New...

Three cheers for small-town America! I know small towns and villages can be narrow and stifling and ingrown—but they can also put...


Stuck in the Door

It's time to reprise a favorite G. K. Chesterton quote. Sex is an instinct that produces an institution; and it is positive and...


The World Turned Upside Down, Again

Item: Football player Colin Kaepernick kneels before the American flag during the National Anthem as a protest against racism in...


The Story of Christianity, Volume 1

The Story of Christianity, Volume 1:   The Early Church To The Dawn Of The Reformation  by Justo L. Gonzalez (HarperOne,...


The Childbirth of Art

Having recently emerged from a long labor, I am again amazed at how like childbirth is the creative endeavor. The creative endeavor...


The Chronicles of Narnia

  The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ♦  Prince Caspian  ♦  The...


Win, Win, Hope, Delight

It's been a while since I posted in my  Conservationist Living  category, which is this post's primary classification, though...


Ocean-Born Mary

Ocean-Born Mary   by Lois Lenski (J. B. Lippincott, 1939) I grew up with Lois Lenski's Indian Captive , a fictionalized...


The Spice House

When I lamented my love/hate relationship with Penzeys Spices, one of my readers pointed me to an alternative spice source. I wasn't...


A Book of Narnians

A Book of Narnians:  The Lion, the Witch and the Others  by C. S. Lewis, text compiled by James Riordan, illustrated by...


Death Is the Great Equalizer, but in America, Some Deaths...

On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy died. I vividly remember a television commentor remarking that 60 people had also died that day in...


Assuming the Worst

Variations on this article have been making the rounds on Facebook recently: " Should Arabic numerals be taught in schools? Most...


The Importance of Play, and Maybe of Shop and Home...

There's no doubt that video games and manipulating phones and tablets develop certain skills. But if we think all that button pushing...


The Blessing of a Clear Conscience

I have many sins on my conscience, but Evil E-mail Man proved that he was talking through his hat by choosing one that I know beyond the...


Grandma's Surprise

The contrast between our children's high school music experience and our New Hampshire grandchildren's couldn't be greater. The...


C. S. Lewis: On Stories

On Stories and Other Essays on Literature   by C. S. Lewis, edited by Walter Hooper (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1982;...

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