I saw this posted by someone in a nearby neighborhood: I'm very thankful that I have good neighbors. I have a neighbor who just...
Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis (Macmillan, 1978; originally published 1944) Mere Christianity grew out of a...
Florida supposedly makes it easy to renew my driver's license. I can renew in person (cost $54.25), online (cost $50.00) or by mail...
As I said to a choir friend, on revealing that I had no idea who or what the Blues Brothers were, there is no limit to the depths of my...
Past Watchful Dragons: The Narnia Chronicle s of C. S. Lewis by Walter Hooper (Macmillan, 1971) No other analysis of the...
Thinking of my own mother on Mother's Day. Four children Seven grandchildren Eleven great-grandchildren...and...
I've written a little about face blindness ( prosopagnosia) before . It's something I didn't realize I was afflicted with until late...
Almond butter. I should have asked this question before I bought it: Does anyone here use almond butter? Tell me about it. I...
The Armchair Economist: Economics and Everyday Life by Steven E. Landsburg (Free Press, 2012) More Sex Is Safer Sex: The...
A friend posted this exchange with her son, and it's too beautiful not to share. I've edited it a bit, and left out all the identifying...
Holy Week began with Palm Sunday , about which I've already written. I am so grateful that we live less then 10 minutes from church:...
For anyone who has not already acquired the Kindle version of S. D. Smith's The Green Ember : it is being offered for free until...
Of all the Seven Deadly Sins , Pride fittingly takes pride of place as the one considered the worst by most Christians, though Lust...
It's Easter, and I'm writing about a different holiday. Why? Simply and solely because the Easter post I want to write would...
C. S. Lewis on Scripture: His Thoughts on the Nature of Biblical Inspiration, the Role of Revelation and the Question of Inerrancey...
I read it in the Orlando Sentinel , on page 10 of the front section of today's paper, part of an article entitled, "Will census show...
Now it begins: Holy Week 2019. Here's what the schedule looks like. Palm Sunday 8:00 and 10:30am with Procession of...
Unplanned The Movie About once a year or so we actually go out to a theater and watch a movie. I knew I wanted to see...
The Abolition of Man: or Reflections on Education with Special Reference to the Teaching of English in the Upper Forms of...
Miracles: A Preliminary Study by C. S. Lewis (Macmillan Books, 1978; first published 1947) This is another book in my C....
Despite our general antipathy to most forms of rock music, there's one rock concert we try to attend whenever we have annual Disney...
It took a long time for me to dip my toes into the DNA testing waters, being both an avid genealogist and a very private person. But...
How can anybody think that they're better than anyone else—that their race is better, their country is better, their religion...
March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day. Temple Grandin wrote : It is likely that genius is an abnormality. If the genes that...