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The Whimsical Christian

The Whimsical Christian: 18 Essays  by Dorothy Sayers (Collier Books,  1987, previously published as Christian Letters to...


My Life Playground Stations

Goal #12 of my 95 by 65 project was to design five Life Playground Stations, inspired by Stephen Jepson and his Never Leave the...


The Gifts of Imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are  by Brené Brown...


Jack Barsky on the Internal Threat to America

I highly recommend Jack Barsky's essay on a great danger facing America today:   The Biggest Insider Threat . It's a short piece...


My Kind of Game

Today's Frazz says it well.  I enjoy a little competition in my games, but it can't be the main point.


But YES the Armadillo

Our yard is a wildlife sanctuary. By American standards it's a pretty small yard, but it abounds in nature, especially considering how...


Extraordinary May

Who would have thought it possible? It's May the 6th, I have my office windows open, and I'm chilly in my shorts!  It's 63...


Deep Undercover

Deep Undercover: My Secret Life and Tangled Allegiances as a KGB Spy in America  by Jack Barsky (Tyndale Momentum,  2017 )...


Executive Orders

It all depends on whose ox is being gored.... I first became aware of how much a U.S. president can do by executive order when Barack...


Daring Greatly

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead  by Brené Brown...


Responding to All the Sorrows of the World (A Guest Post)

Real bloggers include guest posts now and then, right? It's time I moved up in the world. Not, however, by acquiescing to those who...


For the Joy that was Set Before Him

Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the...


Easter Joy, Easter Fun

Hallelujah! Christ is risen! He was OBSERVED by many in his resurrected state. My serious Easter post is still half written, but...


All the Sorrows of the World, Redux

I'm bringing back my Good Friday post from four years ago, because I think it's worth bringing to mind again.    ...



I've never aspired to be a leader. I learned that in elementary school, when my parents and teacher were talking about "leadership...


But What Good Is It?

When she was in fifth grade, Heather won her school's spelling bee. It was a significant accomplishment—the competition was...


Hope for Healing

Homegrown Hollywood:  Searching for Family in All the Wrong Places showed up this morning in my Weekly Genealogist magazine....


Lenten Meditation 2017

Our church publishes a little booklet every Lent, comprising short meditations on chosen Bible verses, done by members of...


Word Chums

Once upon a time, when my oldest nephew (now 24) was young, he took my cell phone and asked to play games. I replied that my phone did...


Galaxy S5 Unresponsive Touch Screen

My phone was fine when I woke up this morning. But my Peel Remote app had put a floating widget on my screen ever since the last update,...


The Importance of Design

Somewhere, in one of Glenn Doman's books, is an important clue to progress in any endeavour: We arrange for the child to win....


How Free Do You Think You Are?

A blog with a name like  Unbiased America  is automatically suspect in my view, since if there is anything more fictional than...


Congratulations to the First Politician in Our Family

That's quite a margin he won by. A Board of Selectmen is one of those mysterious New England customs, and the Wikipedia...



Ingathering: The Complete People Stories  by Zenna Henderson (NESFA Press, 1995 ) In the days of my youth, to use a common...


Life Over 50

What's the worst part of prepping for a colonoscopy? Wait. I thought I got over the stomach flu four days ago. What's the best...

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