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Rejoice with The Gambia, Pray for The Gambia

More surprising than Brexit, more shocking than the election of Donald Trump, is the news from the Gambia:  President Yahya...


What Is a Trump Supporter?

What adjectives come to your mind when you think of someone who voted for Donald Trump? Racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic,...


Two Lessons from Ohio State 2016

It's far too early to have figured out all the ins and outs of the recent Ohio State killings, but two lessons seem clear to me. I...


Sadly, This One Is For Real

Fact-checking sensational headlines is more important than ever, and I just discovered how hard that can be. It started when my...


The Goodness in the World

It has been a hard week.  It is hard not to fall into depression at the concentrated and violent hatred I have seen expressed....


The Differences of Sameness

I have been neglecting my Inspiration category. It's time to step back and take a deep breath. As with my previous post,  this...


Chewy Cookies

Cookies. Back in 1992, a politician could cause a scandal by denigrating (whether intentionally or no) women who had chosen...


How We Can Sing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land

Below I have quoted 99% of a post I wrote eight years ago, following the election of Barack Obama. It was part of a series; all I've...


Maslow and the Election

A friend of a friend of a friend on Facebook posted an interesting and perceptive analysis of the election based on Maslow's hierarchy...


Random Post-Election Day Musings

I'll be blunt: The term "President Trump" sticks in my throat. I wouldn't have been any happier if Hillary Clinton had won, but at...


Random Pre-Election Day Musings

Someday I suppose I'll give in and sign up for an absentee ballot, just in case I happen to be out of town on Election Day. But "the...


Early Tales of the Atomic Age

Early Tales of the Atomic Age  by Daniel Lang (Doubleday, 1948) My father was employed by General Electric his entire...


EPCOT Food and Wine Festival 2016, Fourth Visit

This time we tried a few new things, but made a point of revisiting some favorites. Continuing from Part 1 and Part 2 : ...


He's My Daddy

As a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society , I receive—among other benefits like admission to their fantastic...


Hurricane Baby

My grandfather grew orchids.  Or at least he tried to.  Living as he did in Rochester, New York, his orchid garden was a light...


Singing Together

They [meet together] to sing out their thoughts.  They would hurt them if they didn't.  They're so strong and burn so....


EPCOT Food and Wine Festival 2016, Third Visit

One of the perks of having an annual Disney pass is the ability to make the spontaneously suggestion, "Do you want to go to EPCOT for...


Hurricane Matthew - Columbus Day Celebration

Here's another upside to our hurricane adventure:  We had mail delivery on Columbus Day! I'm guessing they're making up for...


Hurricane Matthew Update, Saturday, October 8, 9.30am

Our power was restored around one in the morning. As the bright light over our bed came on, I mentally chided myself for not being sure...


Hurricane Matthew Update, Friday, October 7, 7:40pm

We're fine; the lack of updates is due to the lack of power.  We're running the generator for about an hour out of every four or...


Hurricane Matthew Update, Friday, October 7, 11.30am

Power is off.  Then on.  Then off.  Repeat.  Right now it's off, and I'm turning the computer off to save battery.


Hurricane Matthew Update, Friday, October 7, 7:15am

Gratitude. Waking up at 5 a.m., which should have brought us the worst of the storm, and hearing:  nothing. After a while I...


Hurricane Matthew Update, Thursday, October 6, 11:45pm

This should be my last update for the day; I hope to be heading to bed soon. Porter took the wiser course tonight, reading his book...


Hurricane Matthew Update, Thursday, October 6, 5:50pm

Thanks to the kindness of the small-engine repair hobbyist, plus $50, the generator is working!  We've finished bringing in...


Hurricane Matthew Updates

Dusting off the "Hurricanes and Such" category.... It has been 12 years since a hurricane has bothered our part of Florida, so I...

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