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EPCOT Food and Wine Festival 2016

We're not finished, I hope, with our visits to EPCOT's Food and Wine Festival, but someone asked which were our favorites, so I'll make...


Talking Points - Part 8

I need to finish this off. With this post I come to the end of  LaMonte Fowler's points . (Loud cheers!)  The series in...


The Zipper Merge

I had no idea. When I'm driving and see a sign that one lane is ending, I move out of that lane as soon as possible. I want plenty of...


Does Jazz Make You Anxious?

Soon we'll be singing a new Gloria in church: Carl MaultsBy's  Gloria in Excelsis . (Yes, that's how he spells his name, with the...


The Task of Twelve O'Clock

I’ve created a new category, “Inspiration,” for collecting quotations. I’ll be gleaning from many sources, but...


Ember Falls

Ember Falls :  The Green Ember, Book II  by S. D. Smith (Story Warren Books, 2016) It was with a heroic effort I...


The Cost of Free

This isn't a serious "freedom isn't free" post about the price of establishing and maintaining liberty. It's about my attempt to obtain...



Saturday is baking day, and I was just taking the first sheet of chewy M&M cookies out of the oven when Porter came into the kitchen...


Ellie Reflection: 15 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Ellie is a super cute charmer, but we try not to let her get away with too much.  She’s walking almost exclusively and just...


Daniel Reflection: 3 Years and 1 Month

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is growing taller and thinning out.  He’s nearly always dry at night, but struggles during the day . . . and he had...


Bryn Calfaria

I know a lot of hymns.  We've sung in many denominations, and even in the Episcopal Church the congregation's favorites can vary...


Swimming Goal Attained

My 95 by 65 swimming goal was very modest:  Swim five miles, and brachiate one mile.  The reason brachiation was part of the...



Hiroshima: The Unforgettable Account of the Event that Opened the Atomic Age  by John Hersey (Bantam Books, 1946) The...


Joseph Reflection: 6 Years and 2 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

June Joseph: Hey! Janet: Hay is for horses. Joseph: I said “hey” with an ‘e’ not with an...


Vivienne Reflection: 4 Years and 7 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

From our notes: July After hearing thunder outside Vivienne asked “Is that a dinosaur?”  You can tell what the...


My Birthday Present

As Porter handed me the large, wrapped, rectangular box, he told me that my birthday present came at the recommendation of a friend...


Eleonora Reflection: 14 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Ellie has grown so much!  She now chooses walking as a mode of transportation more often than not.  She uses many signs...


Hiroshima Diary

Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician, August 6 - September 30, 1945  by Michihiko Hachiya, M.D., translated and...


For Bloggers, Essayists, Teachers, Parents, Myself

The best thing you can do for your fellow, next to rousing his conscience, is — not to give him things to think about, but to...


Daniel Reflection: Three Years Old!

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is three!  It’s hard to believe he’s only three.  He’s been talking for so long and so well and plays...


Talking Points - Part 7

Here we go again. The series in response to the Fowler essay starts here . American Christians are not under attack.  We...


Hidden Figures

There aren't many movies I'm so excited to see that I'll venture into a movie theater, but Hidden Figures is one of them. A movie...


Mark and Livy

Mark and Livy:  The Love Story of Mark Twain and the Woman Who Almost Tamed Him  by Resa Willis (Atheneum, 1992) Mark...


Happy Left-Handers Day!

My father was left-handed, and so was my mother-in-law.  Hence we were not surprised when Heather turned out to be left-handed,...


One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich  by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, translated by H. T. Willetts (Noonday Press, 1991; original...

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