I was wondering how I'd get a post out today, in which there is no time for actual writing. Then my grandson handed me this on a...
This story from my father's journals shows that air travel technology may have changed a lot in the past 50 years, but travel delays are...
You like Pirates of the Caribbean ? You especially like the music? I think you'll enjoy this 13-minute story of the soundtrack ....
I'm not particularly aware of what parents and teachers worry about these days, having long passed that stage of life, but I know that...
It's been a while since a Grace update, but the news is good, as the family is settling back into life together. Here's what the Daleys...
Porter usually knows better than to read me sports articles, but he knew my writer side wouldn't want to miss this. Either that or...
Not long ago, I ran down an interesting rabbit hole. As a genealogy researcher, i have both an interest in and a knack for finding...
I'm putting this in the "Just for Fun" category, because laughing at small annoyances is like removing the stone from your shoe before...
Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine by Sarah Lohman (Simon & Schuster, 2016) This was not the Sarah...
One of my favorite books is Peter Drucker's Adventures of a Bystander . In "The Monster and the Lamb," one of the many...
For those of you waiting to hear about Grace's return to her home in New Hampshire after more than two months of exile in Boston, I'll...
As spring begins to make its welcome way into the Northeast, here's a reminder to those of you who love winter of how nice it can...
If you are not among those of our family and friends who are travelling to view the solar eclipse, or who are lucky enough to live in...
All continuing to go well, Grace will return to her New Hampshire home on Monday! This is huge for her and for the whole...
You need to get out of your comfort zone. How often have you heard that advice? Or given it? It sounds good, as do most...
Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Easter was not a surprise, nor an afterthought, nor a Plan B. In the...
Easter's coming, but it's not here yet. (Except in Switzerland, and some other time zones.)
In view of the trials our family has been experiencing recently, and because it has been fourteen years since I published it in 2010,...
I love my dad's sense of humor. Here's another story from his journals, this time from a four-week cross-country car trip we took in...
Here's another observation from reading my father's journals, this one from April 1963. About 11 a.m. I went out to the car to go...
I don't have time this morning to do the post justice, but before I start off on our day of adventure I must pass on a specific prayer...
Our second-oldest grandson, the Aviator (otherwise known as the Baker), made his first solo flight last week! And today, Grace...
I've lost much of my faith in the New York Times , the motto of which seems to have evolved from "All the news that's fit to print"...
It's Day +33 for Grace, and suddenly things are looking more positive. I have no official updates since Day +30, but yesterday our video...
From Dad's journals, January 1967 This happened at a meeting for Girl Scout parents: The main purpose of the meeting was to...