This is possibly the best use ever of cute pet photos: When Belgian police asked witnesses not to tweet officers' movements...
Lullaby by Steph Shaw Here's a shoutout to our very talented cousin-in-law. (If there's a word for "son-in-law's cousin" I...
Did you ever imagine that a story about a carjacking could make you smile? Especially one where the car was stolen with a child...
My Dear French Brothers and Sisters, Fourteen years ago we stood where you stand today. While no two experiences, much less...
I've known the tune of La Marseillaise for as long as I can remember, along with the first two lines. Not till two days ago did I...
Daniel is talking up a storm and keeping up with his siblings as best he can. The three of them can play together for long...
Who prays for Europe? Europe has it all, right? Europe is the motherland of Western Culture, and, in many ways, of the...
I'm glad Veterans Day didn't suffer long from the Monday holiday craze and retains the connection with "the 11th hour of the 11th day of...
I've neglected to keep track of our choir anthems lately, but here are some for the most recent weeks: A Prayer for Peace...
Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff (Thomas Nelson, 2012) I learned of...
Vivienne learned that her birthday is next, so she started asking every morning if it was her birthday. I drew a chart for her and...
On the face of it, July - September was a slow quarter for my 95 by 65 project . I completely only three goals in the three-month...
That's the Swiss: chill, neutral, and convinced that Americans dress funny every day of the year. Mallard Fillmore from...
Porter read a review of The Martian that made him want to see it in a theater instead of waiting for it to become available...
Rather cool, even if we do all have our mouths open. (Click to enlarge, or follow this link .)
Ellie is all smiles and laughs for her siblings. The still love her, but don’t ask to hold her and play with her as often as...
Porter loves bougainvilleas—so do I, though not nearly with the same passion—and years ago planted some out front. He...
I’m so behind with Joseph that I have to start small. Here are the “Cute Things” notes from the past three...
Today is the commemoration of the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt. I will set aside any worries over small details...
Daniel is becoming a sophisticated parrot. I said something about GTC Ireland bits being in the category “social...
Food Foolish: The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger and Climate Change by John M. Mandyck and Eric B....
Today's Beetle Bailey is for all our Swiss folks:
Long ago, my friends who are university professors shared their frustration that their students were coming to college woefully...
Today's Dilbert is for all the bright students frustrated by teachers who insist that they show their work. Don't overthink...
I've noticed a strange error in the time stamp when I take videos with my phone. A Google search has not led me to others...