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Vivienne Reflection: 3 Years and 7 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Vivienne is becoming more and more my trusty companion.  She always wants to be with me and always wants to help.  Her help is...


Can't a Girl Have a Little Fun Without Somebody Calling 911?

It was the perfect day for a sail—clear, sunny, and with a good wind—and my grandson invited me out with him on his...


Ellie Reflection: Two Months Old!

Posted in IrishOboe

Ellie brings sunshine into our lives.  Everyone loves her and she loves everyone – smiling and cooing and being quite...


Daniel Reflection: Two Years Old!

Posted in IrishOboe

It’s quite hard to believe that Daniel is two already.  He is such a big bundle of energy and joy.  He’s started...


The Mind's Eye

The Mind's Eye   by Oliver Sacks (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010) Books like this are why I need goal #63 (Read 26 existing but as...


Sylvester Scovil, a Mystery (Partly) Solved

Sylvester Scovil left home when his son was a baby and never returned or communicated with his family. Sylvester Scovil’s...


Chronological Bible Reading Plan

Yesterday I completed my 95 by 65 Goal #57:  Finish chronological Bible reading plan.  Ever since I read a review copy of...


Eleonora Reflection: 1 Month Old!

Posted in IrishOboe

Our sweet Ellie is already a month old.  Again, it’s hard to remember life without her, and hard to believe she’s been...


No Sin?

On a radio interview the other day, I heard a woman say an extraordinary thing:  I don't believe in sin . Her statement was...


Vivienne Reflection: 3 Years and 6 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Our notes on Vivienne are pathetic.  Poor middle child is neglected!  Well, she’s no longer THE middle child, so maybe...


The Penderwicks

The Penderwicks:  A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy ; The Penderwicks on...


Daniel Reflection: 23 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel misses his grandma terribly.  We know that in part because his vocabulary and expression are exploding.  It is so fun,...


Weathermakers to the World

Weathermakers to the World:  The Story of a Company.  The Standard of an Industry   by Eric B. Schultz (Carrier,...


Tremendous Trifles

Tremendous Trifles   by G. K. Chesterton (Sheed and Ward, 1909) This was a Christmas gift back in 2013.  (Thanks,...


Joseph Reflection: 5 Years! And Cycle C Review...

Posted in IrishOboe

Happy Birthday, Joseph!  It’s been a wonderful five years with you.  I love watching you learn and grow.  I...


95 by 65: Quarterly Update #2

I'm still pleased with the progress I'm making toward my 95 by 65 goals , though what remains to be done in two years is...


Eleonora Margaret Stücklin

(photo credit Stephan Stücklin; click image to enlarge) Eleonora Margaret Stücklin Born Sunday, June 21, 2015,...


Photo Editing Help Wanted

My photo editing experiences are 'way below novice, having made do with Windows (Office) Photo Editor, Picasa, Irfanview, and Paint all...


This Is America

I was out of the country for 30 days, and so much changed while I was gone that I sometimes wonder what country I returned to.  I'm...


The Swiss Adventure Diet

For a month my diet consisted largely of as much as I wanted of the following:  bread, cheese, butter, jam, pasta, potatoes,...


Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes

  Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels   by Kenneth E. Bailey (IVP Academic, 2008) I...


Eleonora Margaret Stücklin Birth Story

Posted in IrishOboe

Welcome, Ellie!  We’re so glad you’re here!  For those who like details, here they are.  For the rest, there...


I've Become a Sandra Boynton Fan

There were Sandra Boynton books around when our children were young, but they were new, and we mostly missed them.  When our...


Vivienne Reflection: 3 Years and 5 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Vivienne cannot wait to meet her baby sibling.  She plays midwife every day, checking on the baby with toys turned into imaginary...


Shopping with Joseph

Joseph wanted to go to the grocery store, and made his own shopping list.  (Click to enlarge.) He did not have enough...

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