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Joseph Reflection: 4 Years and 10 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

It’s late.  Joseph’s educational summary took too long and I didn’t even add any picture samples! ...


Vivienne Reflection: 3 Years and 3 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Our dear Vivienne likes to help and to please, and crumbles if her help turns out to be unhelpful or if we respond too harshly with a...


Reading the Qur'an

The Qur'an , English translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (Oxford University Press, 2004) In the most important sense, a holy...


Trello - The Right Tool at the Right Time

Our friend David, of Mount Sutro fame, introduced me to Trello .  I let his invitation languish for several months, and that was...


Practice the Piano, Play Better Chess

This is for everyone, but especially our grandkids.  It's a safe video if you watch it here and don't go directly to...


Daniel Reflection: 20 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

I am loving this stage with Daniel right now.  He wants to do everything himself, which can be frustrated (read spills from pouring...


Anthem for Sunday, April 19: Come Follow Me

  Come Follow Me (Martin/Williams, Harold Flammer Music, A7933)    


How Not to Read a Book

I appreciate that I can place books on hold at our library, knowing that they will be set aside for me as soon as they become...


Free BrainHQ Exercises

I think anyone should be able to get to the Posit Science BrainHQ Daily Spark exercises .  At least, the e-mail states,...


Self-Reflection: 33 Years

Posted in IrishOboe

Some of you complain that there is little about me on the blog of late.  I find my Bullet Journal is a better place for the...


Beam Me Up Scotty!

The latest product update e-mail just arrived from Twitter.  What am I do make of this? We've launched Periscope, a live,...


The Wise Woman

The Wise Woman: A Parable (also known as The Lost Princess , and as A Double Story ) by George MacDonald (1875) My project to...


95 by 65: Quarterly Update #1

The good news about my 95 by 65 progress for the first quarter of 2015 is that I did not let the project fall by the wayside, I've...


Never Leave the Playground, Brachiation Edition

I've written before about Stephen Jepson and his Never Leave the Playground program.  Now he has added brachiation to his...


Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill

Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill by Gretchen Rubin (Ballentine Books, 2003) What can Gretchen Rubin, famous for her books...


Joseph Reflection: 4 Years and 9 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

There’s no point in explaining that we’ve been busy.  I had thought about doing a self-reflection on my birthday, but...


What Do You Do All Day? Only Everything

Disclaimer:  I don't know who Matt Walsh is, although a quick search revealed that he is making enough waves that there's a website...


Easter Sunday 2015

For us, Easter started last night with an Easter Vigil service that was over two hours long, but wonderful.  Lighting...


Mid-Holy Week 2015

I've said it before, and it's still true:  how blessed we are to be at a church ten minutes away from home (seven in good...


Jesus Ist Erstanden! A New Song for Easter

I'd planned to post this on Easter itself, but then I figured, why let it get lost among all the other Easter music I'll be...



My favorite part of April Fools' Day is that it is the anniversary of two of my favorite people.  Other than that, it's not...


Anthems for Palm Sunday 2015

Thus begins Holy Week.  It couldn't have been better weather:  sunny, dry, temperatures dancing around 60 (a nice break...


The Winged Watchman

The Winged Watchman by Hilda van Stockum (1962) When I was a child our family hardly ever bought books.  We were great...


Anthems for Sunday, March 22

Last Sunday it was our great pleasure to sing two beautiful anthems, both favorites of ours for a couple of decades.  ...


Help Wanted - Good Science Books for Children

Our grandson has a birthday coming up.  Okay, two grandsons have a birthday coming up—the same day, in fact—but that's...

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