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95 by 65: #86 Rocket Boost Genealogy

I thought it would be easy.  I have no small children at home.  I have no paid employment.  Life at the moment is,...


95 by 65: #29 Research and Purchase Food Processor

Another goal, albeit one of the easier ones, accomplished:  I reaearched and bought a food processor. Actually, I have one...


Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

Gifted Hands:  The Ben Carson Story .  This movie needs no more review than this:  See it. But of course I can't...


Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds

This is me, eating crow. I've always had problems with the AARP.  I don't like their politics, and I resent the frequent...


Just How Stupid Do They Think Americans Are? (Don't...

What, pray tell, is the point of being able to get a foreign product in the U.S. if it has the same or similar name but has an entirely...


Vivienne Turns Three!

Posted in IrishOboe

We celebrated several times, all rather informally.  We visited a arts and crafts “Spielgruppe” to see if it might be...


95 by 65

As promised in my Leon Project post , here is my list of 95 things to accomplish by my 65th birthday, which is approximately two and a...


Passage to Basel-Land

Are Grossmutti and Grossvater ready for guests from Florida?  Who knew there was a secret passage from Diagon Alley, Orlando to...


The War on the Poor, or, I Married the Right Man

It takes a rich, greedy capitalist to grind the poor into the dust, right?  Certainly over the years many have done a very good job...


Daniel Reflection: 17 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is fully in the imitation stage and wants to do everything that he sees others doing.  It’s cute, it’s sometimes...


The Leon Project

Leon?  Who or what is Leon? Leon was my boss a few eons ago, back at the University of Rochester Medical Center.  He was a...


Four Kids and More - Jim Gaffigan

Thanks to Katie of Peace on Birth , I bring a simple smile to your day .  This is especially for those dear to us who are...


Yes, We Think It's Cold Here

But pleasantly so.  After all, it's a sunny 39 degrees.  In contrast, my weather stickers report the following:...


Then Why Haven't I Seen Rösti at IKEA?

You'd be shocked at the number of people who think our daughter and her family live in Sweden.  Just as homeschoolers know that...


Another Great Thing about Geneva, Florida

The two best things about Geneva, Florida may be our friend Richard and the Greater Geneva Grande Award Marching Band , but thanks to...


Legally Kidnapped

Legally Kidnapped: The Case Against Child Protective Services by Carlos Morales (Amazon Digital Services, 2014) Legally...


Joseph Reflection: 4 ½ Years!

Posted in IrishOboe

It is quite strange to think that only three years ago Joseph was Daniel’s size.  What a lot kids learn in a few years!...


Vivienne Reflection: 2 years and 11 months

Posted in IrishOboe

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!  Lots going on for us as well as everyone, so this will be brief.   Viv threw up last...


Books Read in 2014

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas.  Ours began with a live cello carol concert and included the opportunity to serve...


Daniel Reflection: 16 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

He’s only 16 months?  Or have I made another miscalculation?  He’s not talking yet (besides, banana, which he says...


NCIS - A Beautiful Christmas Show

I'll say more later about the extraordinary television show NCIS, which has captivated me in recent months, but can't wait for a major...


Joseph Reflection: 4 Years and 5 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Notes from this month: Joseph builds a big Brio train ramp (with multiple support pillars to make it higher). His attention span...


A Tale of Two Fergusons

The Battle of Kings Mountain was, like that of nearby Cowpens, decisive in turning the tide of the American Revolution in the...


Vivienne Reflection: 2 Years and 10 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

The only note I have on Vivienne this month is a quote “My belly button is not sicking.”  Yes, we had some sickness...


A Little Fun Serendipity for the Evening

I was making Thanksgiving candy in the kitchen.  Porter was flipping channels in the family room.  He settled on a documentary...

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