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Daniel Reflection: 15 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is turning into a big helper.  He likes bringing dishes to and from the table.  He likes imitating my Swish and Swipe...


An Exception to My Objection to Christmas Ads before...

You may know the story, but still I dare you to watch this with a dry eye.  It's well done, and worth watching the extras at the...


For Veterans Day, 2014

I've written about Porter's Uncle Harry here before, but this article from the Cypress Cemetery website just came to my attention, so...


A Vision for Learning

Posted in IrishOboe

I was daydreaming about what learning looks like in the home and this visualization came to me.  I explain it in a video. ...


Our Karate Kids

Congratulations on the new belts!


Cleaning Out Boxes, Discovering 1990


Joseph Reflection: 4 Years and 4 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Joseph continues to excel in academic areas and blow our socks off.  He’s had enough exposure to Japanese and has played...


Vivienne Reflection: 2 Years and 9 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Vivienne is growing in stature, ability, and empathy.  She’ll eat Joseph’s left-over breakfast so he doesn’t have...


Encouraging Advice from a Cop

I've been silent too long, so here's a quick bit of common sense from a policeman who wrote to Free-Range Kids about common sense...


"And it also makes phone calls"

This Rochester Review letters page cheered us both considerably tonight.  Mike Armstrong, brilliant computer guru at the...


Daniel Reflection: 14 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is a happy baby, a confident walker who knows his limits but is ever pushing them, a cuddler, a communicator, and an all-around...



Wool by Hugh Howey (2012) Despite being a die-hard science fiction fan in my younger days, I rarely venture into the genre...


The Industrial Revolution, Theft of Intellectual...

Not to mention a great lesson about cotton, and a potential field trip for some New Hampshire homeschoolers we know!  Check out...


Something Other Than God

Something Other Than God:  How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found It by Jennifer Fulwiler (Ignatius, 2014)...


Marching Beyond Halftime

I'm not a big fan of going to the dentist, but yesterday's visit paid an unexpected benefit:  the hygienist, a former neighbor of...


Common Concern

I haven't written much on the Common Core school standards mess ( just this ), but since Florida give us the opportunity to take sample...


Joseph Reflection: 4 Years and 3 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Some notes:   Joseph has oftend helped Daddy in the garden, especially harvesting potatoes.  During prayer time he said...


Vivienne Reflection: 2 Years and 8 Months

Posted in IrishOboe

Vivienne continues to grow at an incredible rate.  She’s much taller, and much more able to speak full sentences in English...


Give to the Winds Your Fears

  Sunday, September 21, 2014   Give to the Winds Your Fears (words by Paul Gerhardt, translated by John...


Your Life Calling

Your Life Calling:  Reimagining the Rest of Your Life by Jane Pauley (Simon & Schuster, 2014) This is why we have...


To Love Our God

It was good to sing this one again. Sunday, September 14, 2014   To Love Our God (Mark Hayes, Hinshaw Music...


Quantum Physics and the USPS

Forget Area 51, the NSA's invasive civilian spying, and anything else you may think the U.S. government has tried to keep up its...


What Were They Expecting?

"Great goddess Athena, great god Apollo, we ask that you impart wisdom in these proceedings today," Jennifer Zarpentine, a Wiccan...


Daniel Reflection: 13 Months (Walking and Talking!)

Posted in IrishOboe

Daniel is such a delight at the moment.  He has steadily worked on his walking and it is now his preferred mode of...


The Brainy Bunch

The Brainy Bunch by Kip and Mona Lisa Harding (Gallery Books, 2014) Facebook, like smartphones, can enslave or empower.  Or...

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