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(No) Baby News

For all those anxiously awaiting news of the next grandchild:  not yet.  But my prediction in the Baby Pool is for tomorrow,...


Dad-o’s Visit July 24th – Aug. 6th

Posted in IrishOboe

Baby is not quite ready to enter the world yet, so I’ll use naptime to write about Dad’s visit.  We all had a lovely...


Further Observations on Joseph's Speech

I'm not sure, now, whether Hooker and Company... is a favorite picture of Joseph's or just a favorite name. He seems to have a...


There's a Diagnosis for That

When did "different" come to require a diagnosis? The child who once was an energetic boy now has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity...


Bullet Update End of July

Posted in IrishOboe

Grandma and Dad-o are visiting us and we’re having a grand time and not getting too exhausted with all the activity. ...


What Da?

Be warned:  as usual, when we get more grandchild time, you get more grandchild fare.  Here's a Joseph story from our trip to...


Life as a Family of Four

Posted in IrishOboe

Before life as we know it fades into distant memory, I’d like to write a little about our daily life and rhythm.  I know that...


Some Have Birthday Cake

I had a wonderful belated birthday celebration here in Switzerland, including a long, leisurely mother/daughter breakfast of pastries...


Vivienne at 1 ½ Years

Posted in IrishOboe

Yesterday Vivienne turned 1 ½ and with great timing I was feeling insecure about my decisions as a mother (it’s amazing how...


Come, Christians, Join to Sing and O Great God

July 14 Come, Christians, Join to Sing arr. Carlton R. Young I'm sorry I can't find an example of anyone singing this...


Joseph Andreas Stücklin at Three Years

Posted in IrishOboe

You are now three years old!  As I tell you every evening, I’m so glad God gave you to us and that I get to be your...


What I Saw in America

What I Saw In America by G. K. Chesterton (originally published 1922) In 1921, G. K. Chesterton embarked on a lecture tour of...


Bullet Update Mid-July 2013

Posted in IrishOboe

I left off in the middle of our Family Weekend last time.  Joseph was in a good enough mood the next day to enjoy his birthday cake...


Music in Elementary School and Beyond

This quotation from an interview with Anne Fine set me to thinking.  (H/T Stephan) [I] hate the way that we have weeded out...


Flash Mob, GGGAMB Style

I'd rather be with family than almost anywhere, but it's a pity that we only manage to spend Independence Day with the Greater Geneval...


Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? by William J. Bennett and David Wilezol (Thomas Nelson, 2013) It is the best of times and the worst of...


Bullet Update End of June 2013 (Joseph turns three!)

Posted in IrishOboe

Friday, June 14 th we said goodbye to Stephan’s brother and family as they head off to Canada.  We surely will miss...


Violin Joy

I've been told it's a peculiar affliction, but I've always enjoyed listening to beginning Suzuki music students.  There's a warm...


When Life and Beliefs Collide

When Life and Beliefs Collide:  How Knowing God Makes a Difference by Carolyn Custis James (Zondervan, 2001) As I...


Priscilla Dunstan on Baby Language

Priscilla Dunstan is a super-hearer with a photographic memory for sounds.  What this did for her when she became a mother could be...


Is Modern America the Antebellum South?

Don't miss the latest post from the Occasional CEO .  I don't have time now to summarize it, so you'll have to read the whole...


The Curse of the Front Porch Republic

For the sake of all else I have to do, I took the Front Porch Republic off my feed reader, but I still get, and read, their weekly...


Lowering the Bar. Again.

You have to crawl before you can walk. Except that you don't.  Some babies roll, some scoot on their bottoms, some never...


Bullet Update Early June 2013 (J Reading, Cousin K’s...

Posted in IrishOboe

I now have a note in my Tickler to wrote a bullet update on the 2 nd and 4 th Fridays in the month.  Let’s see how well it...


I Can't Believe I'm Posting an Allstate Ad

This was posted at Free-Range Kids this morning, and I can't resist sharing it.  I have no love for Allstate, but insurance...

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