Upfront admission: This is a First World problem, and I know there are millions in the Third World who would love to have...
When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up: Principles for Conversations You Won't Regret by Michael D. Sedler (Chosen Books, 2003)...
Here's an interesting TED lecture on some of the possibilities for small, agile, flying robots. The possibilities for exploring...
Yesterday I had a dentist appointment, and while I was there I had a revelation in their restroom. Sitting on the counter was a mug...
When I first learned that Google Reader was going away, I was even more upset than when the demise of iGoogle was announced. After...
Thanks to a recently-renewed (and most welcome) acquaintance with a friend from some 15 years ago, I've been wandering through the...
It's been a while since I had one of those Happiness Moments . Certainly with the birth of a new grandchild I've had plenty of...
Forgive me for not remembering where I got this link, and check out Dan Gilbert's TED talk on why paraplegics and lottery winners are...
A quick bit of inspiration, shared on Facebook by a long-time friend: One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal...
The Spirit Well by Stephen R. Lawhead (Thomas Nelson, 2012) I am now totally hooked on Lawhead's Bright Empires series, and...
Here, finally, are photos for the first phase of our declutter project. They serve as both before and after photos because...
So I’ve been coveting fancy coffee machines for years now but could never justify the expense. True, in Switzerland it seems...
Not wanting to repeat the frustration of having my toddler keep me up at night when my newborn was sleeping peacefully, I decided to see...
Is this the end of The Onion ? When it becomes impossible to tell the difference between serious news articles and satire,...
Here in Hillsboro we sleep in an apartment-like section of the house that is separated from the kitchen by two doors and a flight of...
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown, and Company, 2000)...
I want my kids to develop and never lose their creativity. As the Project Based Homeschooling blog keeps telling me, the best...
Tomorrow our choir will be singing as the Presiding Bishop of the American Episcopal Church comes to our church. Unfortunately, we...
This isn’t an official Quick Takes (I don’t know how), but I’ve had a lot on my mind and I can’t wait to share...
Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry; audiobook published by christianaudio Fiction and narrated by Susan Denaker With Hannah...
The other day I picked up my repaired glasses from the shop. They came in a handy pouch made of glass cleaner cloth. For...
Most of those who know me also know that I don’t like the government being involved in our health care, for too many reasons than...
Leaving Microsoft to Change the World: An Entrepreneur's Odyssey to Educate the World's Children by John Wood (Collins, 2006)...
Tomorrow, Joy will turn two years old. (I almost said, "will celebrate her second birthday," but with so many sick folks around...
We seem to be going in the wrong direction. The sick list now includes: Jon, Heather, Porter, Jonathan, and Joy (relapse,...