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False Economy

I've been working on my organizational system lately, and part of the plan has been to have individual index cards with particular...


The Man Who Was Thursday

The Man Who Was Thursday:  A Nightmare by G. K. Chesterton (original copyright 1908) We should have more such...



For the läckerli-lovers in the family, and anyone hungry for a reminder of Base l:


Eat Anything You Want, as Long as You Cook It Yourself

It's no secret that I like Michael Pollan's food books, and I'm fifth in line for his latest, Cooked , at our library.  In the...


Obedience: the Surprising Secret to a Free-Range Childhood

I can venture more with Davie than with another:  he obeys in a moment. Thus the tutor in one of George MacDonald's novels...


A Boy and His Atom

This is so cool —and I'm not just saying that because it was done by IBM, even though they do put food on the table and finance...


Tolerance and Love

I've often wondered why tolerance is considered such a high principle these days.  Granted, I have many qualities that cause...


Ocean Potion Sunscreen

I hate using sunscreen.  It's sticky, it stinks, and if I get the water-resistant kind—what other is of any use?—I...


To See Ourselves as Others See Us

O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us! It wad frae mony a blunder free us, An' foolish notion.......


Bullet Update April 15-25 2013

Posted in IrishOboe

Spring has been elusive, we had one sunny Sunday and then snow again, but we’ve enjoyed a few days of sun before the rainy weather...


On Turning 60

There's no use pretending:  60 is not young.  To say, "sixty is the new forty" helps a bit, but not much, because 40 isn't...


Lord, Listen to Your Children

Our choir anthem for April 21 was Lord, Listen to Your Children (Ken Medema, Jack Schrader, Hope Publishing, GC 850O).  Here's a...


It Really Was a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

To brighten your day, here's a brief look at Fred Rogers , of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood , by the Menopause Guy.  (Yes, I know...


Quidditch World Cup VI

You all know I'm not a sports person.  Would you believe me if I said that spending all day (more than 12 hours) at a sporting...


Artificial Sweetener Sneak Attack

Having watched the documentary on GMO foods, which reveals that those in charge of food safety in this country have treated with scorn...


American Redstart

Yesterday, Porter saw a male American redstart , in our backyard.  He was on his way to the West Indies, no doubt—they...


Genetic Roulette

In the spirit of Fruitless Fall , The Omnivore's Dilemma , Food, Inc. , Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal , and similar...


Bullet Update (April 3-14)

Posted in IrishOboe

Reading and singing after lunch and dinner have become habits around here, and I love it more and more.  The other night we were...


More Crazy Product Instructions

Recently we bought a gauge for our propane tank.  I'm tired of guessing, especially during hurricane season, how much propane is...


For Your Tax Day Amusement

For your amusement only, since I don't know the details of these tax numbers.  Highest bracket?  Average tax rate?  What...


Low-Tech: It Works

Most of the time, I love computers and all the wonderful things advancing technology has brought us.  But sometimes I feel like a...


President Obama’s Budget Proposal

I’m sure there are more than a few problems with the President’s budget proposal, depending on one's point of view, but I'd...


My Eternal King

I've started a new category, Music.  For now, it's a place for me to keep track of music we sing in choir, and other music that...


Overseas Americans Need Tax Reform, Too

Two years ago, Stephan wrote an excellent summary of why Americans overseas bear an unfair and disproportionate tax burden .  It's...


No Time for a Break

Check out Janet's great article at Power of Moms! No Time for a Break:  The Art of Resting when Parenting is Non-Stop...

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