Sometimes guilelessness can be cluelessness. Sometimes it can be hurtful, too: the art of the polite compliment is not one...
Well overdue I present to you a snapshot of Joseph at about 2 ½, which age he turned on December 28 th . (I hit my deadline...
I don't plan an update on my Focusing on the Foundations progress every single week, but I will post periodically because knowing that...
What happens when a smart, educated, but musically inept psychology professor attempts to learn guitar and write a book about it? ...
Focusing on the Foundations Concentration: Spiritual Goal: Read through the entire Bible in 2013, chronologically...
A scene from a couple of weeks ago: My husband, his sister, and our nephew are playing a game. They have repeatedly assured...
Three Happiness Moments marked this Epiphany day, all in the morning, all milder than the events I've mentioned before: more a...
This morning's Happiness Moment came in our living room, dark save for the illumination of the Christmas tree, in a time of quiet...
In keeping with my efforts at chronicling those indefinable, momentary feelings of happiness that catch me almost by surprise, I'll...
I often puzzle about what makes me happy. What do I enjoy, what do I find to be fun, what conditions make me stop and think,...
Focusing on the Foundations Concentration: Mental Category: Reading Goal: Read A History of the Medieval...
Focusing on the Foundations Concentration: Physical Category: Health Goal: A 10 p.m. bedtime I'm dividing...
While Advent or Lent would seem to be more obvious seasons for reflection and resolution than New Year's Eve, which falls right in the...
I should be working on a more profound post, such as my New Year's resolutions, but going through my neglected inbox provoked a quick...
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink (Riverhead Books, 2009) Drive is yet another book...
Three years ago, I took a look at my reading habits and discovered to my shock that—avid bookworm though I am—my reading...
No, not that Christmas Miracle. It was The Christmas Without Stress. Or at least a whole lot less. The day before was...
I don't deny that the world might end today; it's going to end sometime. I knew one guy who would occasionally look up at an...
I've written about Biscoff Spread, aka Speculoos à Tartiner before. Thanks to a tip from my sister-in-law, yesterday I...
Last year, my Christmas Eve post included the following comment. It seems appropriate to offer a reprise today. Nine...
I've set my alarm to remind me to pay attention at 12:12:12 today; otherwise it's sure to slide past unnoticed. I'm sure if I'd...
Porter says this BBC story is a good summary of what he saw when visiting the Boeing plant on his visit to Seattle. Enjoy! ...
I was asked to share some advice on using a Tickler, so here goes: A Tickler file system is a simple and clever way to clear up the...
I finally decided to wean Joseph since he was showing no signs of stopping. We’d been down to nursing once a day for a good...
I would love to share my thoughts on this article about irony, but since both my daughter and I are sick, it is not a wise use of...