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Have Yourself a Music Theory Christmas

While I'm gathering mental energy for a response to Stephan's thought-provoking comment below , here's an easy post for your holiday...



The Holiday Season . It's a descriptive name, covering an increasingly wide expanse of holidays that began simply as Christmas and...


Bullet Update November 6 – November 25, 2012

Posted in IrishOboe

Nov. 10: Joseph figures out how to write “2” finally and is so happy.  It has a hat like his 3’s – pictures...


The Ideal Mother

For Heather, Janet, and all who are great mothers but sometimes feel intimidated by how far they are from meeting their own...


Brussels Philharmonic Goes Paperless

Posted in IrishOboe

Electronic sheet music for a whole orchestra .  Way cool.


Duggars in Japanese

Just for fun, check out these video clips from the Duggar family's visit to Japan.  These are from YouTube, so hopefully they won't...


"Digital Immigrants" Indeed!

And newspapers wonder why subscription rates are down!  The news is bad enough without adding insult to injury. The Orlando...


More Post-Election Wisdom

I don't read a lot of post-election analysis any more than I paid attention to most of the pre-election rhetoric.  But every once...


24 Years to Go According to Mark Twain

Posted in IrishOboe

I couldn’t resist commenting on a quote from Mark Twain that A Word A Day featured today.   "My philological studies...


The New Child Endangerment -- Texting While Your Kids Play

I didn't stay up till after 11 to hear the story, but I caught the teaser on the local evening news: Children are...


Veterans Day Tribute

This year's Vetrans Day tribute is to all the U.S. (and pre-U.S.) veterans among our direct ancestors. Pequot War, 1634-1638: ...


President Obama, VP Romney

No, it's not serious, and it's not an invitation for some wild-eyed idiot to try to change the election results by violent means. ...


"Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall!"

On this day in 1989 the gates opened, and the German people themselves answered President Reagan's famous call. Porter, who more...


Another Letter

No one I know wrote this letter, but it was posted on Facebook by a friend I respect, who called it thought-provoking.  I...


An Open Letter to President Obama

Actually, it was a private letter, from Porter to the President.  But I liked it so much I begged permission to post it. Mr....


My Election Day Predictions

If your candidate loses, the next four years will not be as bad as you fear. If your candidate wins, the next four years will not...


Bullet Update October 20 – November 5, 2012 (writing...

Posted in IrishOboe

Oct. 20: We went on a hike with Joseph’s Swiss-side cousin and his parents along a beautiful like that we couldn’t see...


I Would SO Watch this Safety Presentation

I love Air New Zealand.  Back in 1997, we flew Air New Zealand to ... well, to New Zealand!  It was the longest flight I've...


Carrying the Monday Holiday Bill Too Far

As a homemaker, I don't find Mondays to be the horror that many people do .   But at the moment I'm feeling a little more sympathy...


Math Dots Update

Mea culpa !  It's been nearly a year since my post about Stephan's Dots book (numbers in four languages), and I never did...


Do You Pay Attention to the Numbers You Read?

At first, I thought I was reading about an incredible medical breakthrough, instead of the evacuation of a hospital in New York...


It's Not College - The Food is Better

It's easy to request books from the library, but if others are in line before me, I never know when they will become available. ...


A Million Miles in a Thousand Years

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years:  What I Learned by Editing My Life by Donald Miller (Thomas Nelson, 2009) I started...


Do NOT Mess with this Jedi!

Photo credit Grammy (probably)


Happier at Home

Happier at Home:  Kiss More, Jump More, Abandon a Project, Read Samuel Johnson, and My Other Experiments in the Practice of...

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