Here's a quick post because the article frustrated me and I need an excuse to get off my feet for a few minutes. For the record, I...
July 20 th Joseph stopped his play, looked out the window, blew a raspberry (tongue fluttering between lips) and waved his hand across...
Welcome home, Atlantis. A moment of silence, please, to mark the end of an era. No more will we step out our front door to...
At Home , by Franz Hohler (translated from the German) (Bergli Books, Basel, Switzerland, 2009) Franz Hohler observes the same...
From every room of our house we knew it was 5:45 in the afternoon, when my father’s fire radio announced the time as part of its...
Sorry it’s been over a month since I’ve blogged. Needless to say, it’s been busy. June 15 th : Our little boy...
It's a good thing I have an economist for a husband, because ever since I weaseled my way out of a mandatory high school economics...
One of my regular walks takes me across a small bridge, under which flows a stream. This stream can be a pathetic trickle or a...
H/T to Jon: In Google maps, get directions from "Beijing, China" to "Taipei, Taiwan." Look at direction 40. Then do the same...
Our library finally came through with Introverts in the Church , into which I will dive as soon as I finish the other two books...
This is a mighty sad article . The British government has issued official guidelines aimed at getting the under-five crowd...
The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America's Emerging Battle Over Food Rights , by David E. Gumpert (Chelsea Green Publishing,...
Don't ask me how I came upon Sporcle, but beware—it's addictive! There are quick quizzes for a wide array of subjects, and...
There's nothing like a small-town Independence Day parade, and when we're not attending weddings or births or other such out-of-town...
If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all. At no time was that old advice more pertinent than in...
The Longevity Project: Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study , by Howard S....
If you live and work in the United States, you probably haven't thought about taxes since the middle of April. But for us, Tax...
This morning I was deep in prayer, as I often am, for our grandchildren. (Read the rest of this post before you think that sounds...
( Continued from Day 6 ) This was our final day in Hawaii, and we checked out of the lovely Hilton Waikoloa Village after enjoying...
( Continued from Day 5 ) This morning we arose early, broke out our snorkeling gear, and headed for the resort’s...
( Continued from Day 4, Part 2 ) At 8:00 this morning we had the mandatory timeshare presentation that made the whole trip...
( Continued from Day 4, Part 1 ) After climbing up out of the Kilauea Iki crater, our next adventure was at the Thurston Lava Tube....
Just after midnight today, Steven Perezluha reached Annapolis, Maryland as the ninth bicyclist in his division to complete the Race...
No, not our granddaughter. :( But something her siblings would probably like. It brightened my day, and might do so...
The Race Across AMerica may be the craziest bike race ever. From the Pacific to the Atlantic, from Oceanside, California to...