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Auto Factory Tourist Attraction

Here's a Volkswagen plant in Germany that makes me think of the (former) World of Motion ride at EPCOT.  (H/T MMG.)...


Speculoos à Tartiner

I mentioned Speculoos à Tartiner before , when in January this unusual Christmas gift caused both U.S. Customs and the TSA...


Why Travel?

Unlike many people, I never dreamed of visiting foreign countries.  I like being home.  If I have family around me and good...


I’ll Take Boston Cream, Please

If you give up pie for lent, can you still eat Boston cream pie?  The only thing that luscious concoction of cake, pudding, and...


What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

Check out the latest Occasional CEO post:  A Little More Inspiration for more than a little inspiration.  The Occasional...


How to Be a High School Superstar

How to Be a High School Superstar:  A Revolutionary Plan to Get into College by Standing Out (Without Burning Out) , by Cal...


Lenten Humor

I'm still struggling with the book review I'd hoped to post today, so instead you get Jennifer Fulwiler's dry humor.  You can read...


She's a Girl ... with Two Older Brothers, Part II

Faith, at two and a half, is amazingly maternal.  She loves tending her new sister, or her "purple baby doll" if Joy is not...


Ender's Shadow

Ender's Shadow , by Orson Scott Card (Tor, New York, 1999) Having read Ender's Game and Speaker for the Dead while visiting...


Eggs for Breakfast

Overheard this morning:  Jonathan (7) and Noah (4) were making breakfast.  I wish I'd had a hidden video camera; the whole...


Thorny Business

Ha!  Engish is cool, too.  German has its Eszett (ß) and Spanish its eñe (ñ); the world is full of accents...


Oxytocin Rush

In Bad Science , author Ben Goldacre delivers the following paean as part of a discussion of drug side effects. I really enjoy...


Update: One Week Old!

Joy is one week old today.  She is a remarkably good-natured child, or, as her Uncle Stephan would say, "chill."  She...


Not All Moments Are "Teachable Moments"

Overheard during the flurry to get everyone out the door in time for church:  "Jonathan, now is not the best time to tell us all...


Take Ben Goldacre's Challenge

In my review , I mentioned that Ben Goldacre's book, Bad Science , suffers from a tendency to sneer.  Although he usually directs...


Life Lessons Learned Living with a Large Family

When the human/bathroom ratio exceeds 6:1, procrastination is a bad thing. A very bad thing.


Bad Science

Bad Science:  Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks , by Ben Goldacre (Faber and Faber, New York, 2010) Bad Science was...


On Being Born into a Large Family

Life is different for a newborn in a large family.  I feel rather ridiculous applying the label "large" to a family of five, but...


Update: Three Days Post-Birth

Joy is three days old, and all is well.  She seems to have a regular fussy period between midnight and three, but other than that...


Joy Ellen Daley!

Joy Ellen Daley Wednesday, February 23, 2011 8 lbs. 1 oz., 19 3/4 in.     (click to enlarge) There are many...


We’re Moving!

Posted in IrishOboe

The best news of the week is the arrival of two babies, but that’s not my news to share so I’ll write about our move. On...


The Snow Cure

It's not generally considered the best treatment for a cold and severe laryngitis to play in the snow, but the sky was so blue and the...


She's a Girl ... with Two Older Brothers

Faith's two older brothers are off helping Daddy work on the car, so she had luxury of playing with Dad-o's gift all by herself. ...


A Tale of Two Citrus

What shopping at your standard grocery store, with its standardized food, won't tell you: The fruit on the left is a lemon, and...


Montessori Homeschooling

Posted in IrishOboe

I've been a bit out of the homeschooling scene for a while, so I newly discovered that there are materials for doing Montessori at...

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