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Prenatal Beef Consumption?

It was the title that struck me: Study spotlights prenatal beef consumption I found the image of tiny babies-in-utero chowing down...


More Spring Flowers

I was going to e-mail these pictures to Grandpa W., from whose long-ago gift of amarylis bulbs these beauties are descended, but then...


Day Care Study

The day care debate would be only of mild interest to me, given that despite my own strong feelings on the matter, I equally strongly...


HPV: They Did Try to Tell Us; I Remember

I remember the response, too. I've written about the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine campaign before.  Now I want to...


Cheap Title

In Arizona, the winning team in the kindergarten through sixth grade category of the recent state scholastic chess championship must...


Why Schools Are Better in Japan (Not?)

I'm posting a link to this U.S. News and World Report short article on Japanese schools , hoping it will provoke commentary from one who...


What Is Going on in Germany?

Earlier I wrote about Melissa Busekros , the 15-year-old German girl who was taken from her family to a psychiatric ward and thence to...


Can I Take This with a Grain of Salt?

Now it's Chinese food that's bad for you !  I'm especially sad that they singled out my family's favorite, General...


So Caiaphas Was Brain-Damaged?

This article on making moral judgments is a good example of the kind of false dilemma that drives me crazy.  It reminds me of...


Why We Need More Cultural Exchange Programs

A friend sent me the following YouTube link.  WARNING:  Parts of the video are offensive, and if you go to YouTube and read...


Republicans Have No Hearts; Democrats Have No Brains

Or you can substitute "Conservatives" and "Liberals" for a more general application. This unfair generalization is...


Make Mine Strawberry-Rhubarb

Happy Pi Day to all my nerdy friends and relatives!


Time for the Yankees

Just for you, my dear Northerners, I have run around the house changing the clocks, and will get up unconscionably early...


Springtime Pictures

For those of you who might be a little homesick for Florida:    


Rock Collectors Beware

Serious collectors of anything can have serious problems when they die.  We've all heard of the numismatist whose rare coins were...


Update on the Phone Situation

I wrote earlier about our failing telephone system .  We limped along for a week with all calls forwarded to one or the other of...


Two Cuties

Bearing in mind that one of this children is eight, and the other three—can anyone doubt they are related?   


Hang on! Spring is Coming!

I know most of my Loyal Readers are shivering, with temperatures in the teens and even single digits, so you'll be glad to know that...


Internal Thermostat

I had an incredible experience recently.  Having been transplanted, through the woders of modern aviation technology, from our...


Lowest Old Saybrook Tide

We were in Old Saybrook for what in my personal expert assures me was the lowest tide in his nearly 80-year-old memory.  (We...


Phone Troubles

If you try to call us in the next few days, please be patient.  All calls are being forwarded to our cell phones, so it may take...


Celia Nicklin

So who is Celia Nicklin ?  Beats me, but she is responsible for my getting up before five o'clock this morning. I awoke at...


The Gift of a Smile

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.   — William Arthur Ward Or maybe not.  I don't...


Why the Rest Hates the West

Why the Rest Hates the West:  Understanding the Roots of Global Rage , by Meic Pearse (Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove,...


Mushroom Recipe

Tonight I had some mushrooms to use up, and created a dish that Porter really, really liked.  (So did I, for that matter.)  So...